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Im in high school and i have absolutely no promise in me as a person. I am a coward and cowards get no respect - thereforeeeeeee i have none. i am lonely 24/7 and i cant even take solice in my friends (the few that i have). i used to be happy, perfectly contented with my accomplishments...that was before i knew that it was all an illusion....i had nothing afterall. i saw everyone else getting all the attention with girls and none for me. never. girls never talk to me at all as if they were repulsed by the mere sght of me. ive never dated and things arent looking up for me at all. the lonelyness is too much to bear. im too shy to do anything about it too. all the jerks walk away with the girls while i sit in an awestruck stupor wondering why i was so forgotten. do i not deserve attention?!


sorry to make you read about my pathetic story.

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Dude,I'm sorry to make you feel worse,but I'm in pretty much the same position,and I'm a sophomore in college. Nice guys just don't get anywhere in this pathetic world. I do have a girlfriend,but when she's not cheating on me,she's slashing her wrists,and no other girls pay attention to me. Life SUCKS. The world sucks.

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Well i dont know what you should do. If there is a girl that you want to date you should ask her. Dont just sit back and watch as all the "jocks" get the attenstion, if there is something you want go out and get it..


good luck!

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My suggestion is to take action. I know how easy that sounds and how difficult that might be for you. After all you seem to be (a little) shy or feel uncomfortable. But if you don't take action, noone will. Unfortunately, it's like this: if you don't feel confident, it shows.


How you take action? Think BIG, but start small! Try to do little things. Say hi to people (both guys and girls) and smile at them. See what happens. Keep doing that for some week or so and then try to take a next step. Give a lady a compliment, like: "Hey did you get a haircut? It looks great on you." or "I like that dress your wearing". Then start to talk to people, as in "How was your weekend? What have you been doing?". I am sure you get the picture now.

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