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I just got out of a 4 year relationship... the last year or so we were engaged and it went down hill......... There was a girl I liked but I could not do anything about it because I was stuck in a relationship that I was afraid I could not get out of due to family and stuff.


Any way... we really have hit it off but we can't actually start dating until next year. The good thing is that we are both picky in the partner we choose, and that we both feel that when you get in a relationship it should be something longer term, perhaps with the makings of a future marriage...... the problem is, this girl is only going to be in school for one school year...... If I am working and she is busy with school and we can't see each other that much, what do we do when the time is up. I think we will probably see each other enough.........but I know that if I am with her I will want to be with her......you know............I guess I could travel with her. Or who knows she may decide to finish school here........ what advice do you have?

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Well this is coming from me...a guy. and i just have a question to ask. If you and that other girl were engaged, before you gto engaged i think you should have thought about maybe you did not like her enough. You cant get engaged but be so fickle.

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Was not fickle.......I was with her for 3 years and then the 4th year she just stopped wanting to do anything. I have tried many, many times and have had many, many sleepless nights over thing........when it start effecting my health and sanity I new it was time to move on. I don't call that fickle, I call that taking care of myself.

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