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Odd reaction to NC


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This girl and I dated for about a year and a half. I was never that into her honestly, so when she started seeing someone else 4 weeks ago I didn't really care. So going NC was easy for me.


Anyway, it still hurt my self esteem when she started seeing someone else and blowing me off. Technically she cheated but I didn't care. So I went NC, and every couple of days she would text me saying: "how's it going" or called me out of the blue. I essentially ignored all these.


Finally a couple of days ago she sent me an email saying that she "misses me" and wants to hang out "just as friends" nothing romantic. She said we should go to the movie some night. Well I ignored this email as well. Later in the day, after it was apparent that I wasn't going to respond, she sent me ANOTHER email saying: "why are you ignoring me I had a horrible day and I needed to talk to someone and you're a **** for ignoring etc etc etc."


Why would she do this if she's still dating this guy? What should be my response? I do like hanging around her.

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It sounds like you both have two completely different perceptions of how the relationship was. It does seem strange. If you dated her that long and was never 'into' her, please, just keep ignoring her. It sounds like you perceived she liked you more than you liked her. But it also sounds like she perceived you liked her more...I say that because she seems to have no reticence in contacting you and to keep contacting you and even insulting you because you're not responding..as if you owe it to her. But, again, if you are not into her, do not respond and restart something because you like 'hanging around' her. Good luck.

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Lily is probably spot on with the different perception point. People talk to people and who knows what filled her ears. Probably made her the victim and you some godawful creature.


Once another guy gets involved in the situation, I generally bail. If you are that replaceable then maybe you don't need to be with them. My opinion, some are fine with it I ain't. Unless you are "done"- no romantic intentions or heartache be a friend all you want. Otherwise, bad idea.

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