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penis enlargement

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Hello....I'm new to this site and didn't know where to post my question....I'm 8" erect and looking to increast my size..Guess i'm still a little insecure or something...I was just wondering if anyone has any sure ways to gain permanent size..Do pumps really work? What about the Jelq? Your responses will be greatly appreciated..Thanks

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the avg. erectile length is a little less than about 6" (15cm)(from the pubic mound). the avg.internal vagina length is about the same. think about it.


if you actually want intimacy with your partner, i'd say you don't need - nor want - extra length. if you have anymore you'll have to stand halfway accross the room, and resort to only doing it doggy-style. Surely this is a killer to real closeness and intimacy.


if you actually want a meaningful relationship that will impress women, then work on expressing affection, being open and honest, supportive. you don't need to come over all sensitive all the time, but some real (truly authentic) love and affection is significantly conducive to fullfiling relationships and meaningful/satisfying/creative lovemaking. But of course lovemaking can only exist if there is love. and if your partner doesn't like the true you (or you, her), better not to be in that relationship. Find someone you can be your self with (that is, your open true affectionate self). it's not that you can't have wild sex (and with a penis size most guys would love to have), but that it's more satsifying if it's in a meanigful relationship, with loved/loving partner, and size becomes somewhat irrelevant.


have you see the film "human traffic"? two main characters get together in the end. what makes it work, what makes their sex satisfying, is that he's not worried about size or performance, because she loves him. okay, so it sounds a bit trite, but if you are loved, then after a while the whole size thing becomes irrelevant. i'm not trying to get all moral on you. it's just a simple psychological fact: sex is most satisfying, and a guy is more likely less anxious about the whole size thing, if it is an affirming loving relationship (it doesn't need to be sickly sweet, just loving).


i'm certainly much closer to avg.. than you. Perhaps at times i'm a little anxious, but whaen it comes to it, if i'm loved i feel quite adequate.


Anyway, why don't you practice your oral skills. i'm sure that this would be more appreciated.

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You have to realize that there are two aspects to a penis, length and width. While having a long penis may be ego boosting its not the only thing that you should be concerned about. Surgery is an expensive alternative but its probably best that you work on your technique, cuz thats where you will separate the men from the boys. Increase your knowledge about sexual practices then you will impress your partners because there are a lot of unsatisfied women out there looking for a guy that knows what he is doing.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: SIZE DOESN'T MATTER! That's a complete myth. Women, no matter ehat they SAY, don't want guys with gigantic appendages. A woman wants a man who will fit well inside her, not one who's gonna rip her to shreds! You're a natural size and you really shouldn't worry about it.

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