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Not sure what to do


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I've been dating my boyfriend now for nearly two years. He is such a sweet boyfriend and is extremely loving, affectionate, surprises me, there is honestly not anything negative that would be glaringly obvious. The problem is the way I'm feeling. I used to get really excited to see him and to be around him, and now I don't really get excited to see him and when I've been on a trip and not seen him for 5 days I barely missed him. To put it simply, it seems as though he is more excited about me than I am about him. I want to stay wtih him because he is a great person, we have the same goals, overall we get along well. I do not feel this way all of the time, sometimes I do feel very interested, but its decreasing. I've talked to him about this and he is starting to hang out with his friends more and we're starting to spend a little less time apart.. It's almost like I'm bored.. Are my feelings normal? Any suggestions on what to do? Hes a typical "nice" guy, a bit nerdy, and I wonder if I'm craving a "bad" guy (which deep down I know I really do not want). I'm 24 and he is 26.

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Its completely normal to get that "bored" feeling... As long as you've brought it up to him and are able to communicate about it, maybe taking some space is best. Sometimes when you cross over the fence to the other side that looks greener, you can turn around and look back to see just how green your own grass is... The best part of this situation is, if you guys end up back together then you both will know that its right, and if you don't then you know that you guys may be better off as just friends. Good luck!!

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So normal!

I call it the "honeymoon phase". Getting to know someone and realizing your feelings for them is always new and exciting at first. As time goes it decreases. The fact that you are questioning it and starting to be more independent is a healthy thing. The next step is evaluating whether you want to move on to the next step or if you are still looking to just go out and have fun getting to know more people. It is normal to feel like you /want/ to go out and be with other people and it is good that you acknowledge that. Only you can decide if you are ready to put that aside and leave it as thoughts vs actions.

From the little that you've posted though, it sounds like you guys have a really good thing going. As long as you guys are both on the same page and happy with your relationship then there is no reason to worry. Everything you're going though is absolutely normal and a good thing!

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