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Possible to offer unconditional love? How did you do it?


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Has anyone of you here ever consciously love somebody? Being in a few long term relationships, I realize that relationships really takes work and it has to be a decision to love someone. So for those of you here who decide to love unconditionally, how did you do it and what are your boundaries? Boundaries, I supposed for example, would be cheating (which is a given,of course)...what else?

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Has anyone of you here ever consciously love somebody? Being in a few long term relationships, I realize that relationships really takes work and it has to be a decision to love someone. So for those of you here who decide to love unconditionally, how did you do it and what are your boundaries? Boundaries, I supposed for example, would be cheating (which is a given,of course)...what else?

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I think love is conditional & unconditional at the same time. My boundaries would be: violence, cheating, drugs, emotional abuse. We may love them unconditionally for who they are but there are conditions to them to keep in the relationship. I agree with you that love is a conscious choice & takes work.

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I think love is conditional & unconditional at the same time. My boundaries would be: violence, cheating, drugs, emotional abuse. We may love them unconditionally for who they are but there are conditions to them to keep in the relationship. I agree with you that love is a conscious choice & takes work.

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There was a period in my late 20's when I was kind of hung up on the phrase "unconditional love," since it seemed like some kind of ideal to me, something I was supposed to do. Then I realized what everyone in this thread has been pointing out: there are always boundaries, and there should always be boundaries. Even if we're talking about a child, if your child is a sociopath who actively enjoys other people's pain, that's something you cannot and should not love.

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There was a period in my late 20's when I was kind of hung up on the phrase "unconditional love," since it seemed like some kind of ideal to me, something I was supposed to do. Then I realized what everyone in this thread has been pointing out: there are always boundaries, and there should always be boundaries. Even if we're talking about a child, if your child is a sociopath who actively enjoys other people's pain, that's something you cannot and should not love.

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I do believe in unconditional love... Even when those boundaries are crossed, one can still love that person, but also decide they can no longer be together.

Going off of Heathen's example, I'm sure many parents of murderers still love their child, but that probably does not stop them from being ashamed and disturbed. You can love and still be logical.

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I unconditionally love my wife.

I can honestly tell you that if she ran off an slept with another man, while we may divorce, I would love her no less.

I can honestly tell you that there is nothing in this world I would deny to her out of selfishness or malice.


Also, see my sig for why that is actually not all that healthy


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I think love can be unconditional in that you will commit yourself to caring about the person always. At the same time, you set conditions for being together with your boundaries. I can leave someone for cheating, for example, but sill choose to love them (it's just from afar).

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