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Remove ex from FB and Twitter during NC. Good or bad idea?


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Hi guys! Would you remove your ex from social media during no contact?


My ex and I are in NC for six months. I politely requested her to remove me from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites so we can implement NC. However, she hasn't removed me at all...

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Hi guys! Would you remove your ex from social media during no contact?


My ex and I are in NC for six months. I politely requested her to remove me from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites so we can implement NC. However, she hasn't removed me at all...



I did! I blocked her and she still cropped up in other peoples posts so I shut the whole account down That was best for me....out of sight out of mind.

Now she asks mutual friends how I'm doing. My motto is remove as much temptation as you can!

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I agree with you Streetbob!


I actually asked the ex-girlfriend to block me from her Facebook and Twitter accounts because I didn't want to be rude to her by doing it myself. Strange that she hasn't removed me. My guess is that she hopes to be friends.

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I agree with you Streetbob!


I actually asked the ex-girlfriend to block me from her Facebook and Twitter accounts because I didn't want to be rude to her by doing it myself. Strange that she hasn't removed me. My guess is that she hopes to be friends.


It's not rude. It's over, no need to socialize ergo no need for social media contacts.

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I agree with you Streetbob!


I actually asked the ex-girlfriend to block me from her Facebook and Twitter accounts because I didn't want to be rude to her by doing it myself. Strange that she hasn't removed me. My guess is that she hopes to be friends.


It's not rude at all. If your ex cares about your feelings she will completely understand your need to create distance. My interpretation of her not blocking or deleting you as you requested is similar to placing you in the friend zone. Keeping you close - but not close enough. This should be your prompt to disappear.


I told my ex I could not be a friend until I had healed. I then disappeared. As i mentioned elsEwhere, she asks a mutual friend how I am doing because she has nothing else.


It always amazes me how people can stay "friends" beyond a break up and then wonder why they are not healing. The age of Fakebook has made our lives an open book. A voyeurs candy shop. Close that thing until you have healed - enjoy the anonymity!!


Good luck



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The age of Fakebook has made our lives an open book. A voyeurs candy shop. Close that thing until you have healed - enjoy the anonymity!!


Very well said. Social media has made relationships more complicated than they already are.


"In a recent study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), it was revealed that 1 out of every 5 divorces cite Facebook as the cause for the break-up (United States)."


link removed

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"In a recent study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), it was revealed that 1 out of every 5 divorces cite Facebook as the cause for the break-up (United States)."


link removed


Thanks for that Streetbob!


I'm beginning to think Facebook is causing more harm than good to relationships. I hope not.


This reminds me of a situation when my ex said she felt bad because I didn't "like" her Facebook status. Hmmm...

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You should delete her if you do not want to have social media contact with her anymore. You are not being a gentleman by allowing her to do it. You guys are both attempting to stay in contact and one of you will get hurt with the other person beings dating someone else. You don't need updates about your ex's life. Delete her.


On a side note, I have never had a relationship status on my FB. There is no reason to. If I ever get into another relationship I do not need my 800+ "internet friends" knowing so. Also, when the relationship ends, and it will eventually, I do not need them to know that either. I have found if you use FB for its intended purpose which is interacting with people as opposed to a dating source and gossip forum; you will have a lot less stress and people in your business.

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Why would you ask her to remove you? Thats so passive aggressive.


Just delete and block her - the power then shifts in your hands


Yeah it does appear passive aggressive. Good idea about the power shift.


I guess I didn't want to be rude by unfriending her on Facebook. I don't know. Maybe I thought I was being gentlemanly by not removing her.

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Just a quick update.


I have successfully removed the ex from all social media. Whew! However, I have learned that the ex decided not to remove me. Strange. I'm the dumpee. Also, I have learned that her friends removed me from their respective social media networks.


The plot thickens...

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