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Mixed signals I dont know how to read...


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My guyfriend Jimmy and I have become closer this school year. We have a class together, lunch, and he rides my bus...so we've been talking alot more. These past few days he's been talking about my boyfriend more than usual. He always says things like I should dump him, that I can do better...today he said that he thinks he's just using me. He's also very critical of him. I don't get it...why the sudden interest in who I date? Does he like me? Does he just not like my bf? I'm really confused because he's sending mixed signals...help!



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There could be a lot of reasons that he is staying those things about your bf. It is possible that he could like you and its possible that he is just a good friend. What you need to look for is any indication other than words to see if he is interested in you. Thats the only way you will know how he feels about u.

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I dont think he knows something I dont, because honestly the two of them have never even talked to each other directly.


I honestly am in love with my boyfriend...whereas Jimmy and I are just friends, atleast in my eyes. I just dont understand what other motives he'd have. Like today for example, he asked me, "What would your boyfriend do if I told him you were cheating on him with me?" I asked what his reason for even saying that was and all he said was he was just wondering...then he quickly looked away.



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If I had to put money on this, I'd say he likes you. But this is simpler than that - here's an easy way to prove if he likes you:


When you first met, how did he act? If he was like this out of the blue, he probably likes you. Also, since he keeps talking about your relationship, he wants an "update" and may be hoping for the break-up (again, from his view). He doesn't want it going unknown that u broke up w/ ur bf.


If you've known him for a very long time, he could be looking out for you. If he has not known you for a very long time, then he probably likes you.

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That's really helpful, thanks DaXMan.


I've only known him for a little over a year, so as you can see it's not all that long for him to be looking out for me. But then again maybe he is. I told my best girlfriend about this and she's known him far longer than I have. She said he probably likes me. I just wish he'd tell me instead of doing all of this.



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