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How far do you drive to work?

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About 8 miles for me and my partner drives about 30 miles, and around 36 miles in our other location. It definitely is more challenging for him so he tends to get to work earlier than most people in his position, but leaves before in order to skip major traffic which would make the travel time even longer.


Is the travel time taking a lot out of you?

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Being Canadian I have NO idea how many miles it is from my home to my work....I know how many kilometres it is though I live outside the city where I work and it takes me about 20-30 minutes to get to work every day....(about 25km or so)...don't know how many miles that would be.

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^^ so cool ! Are you starting your own company? Sorry, bit off topic I'm just very interested in entrepreneurship.


Negative, company downsized and basically there is only 2 people in my office so there really no need for an office. However I sometimes sell stuff on ebay and craigslist, does that count as entrepreneurship or getting rid of junk for quick cash? LOL.

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