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Will I ever feel it again?

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It's been a while since my last post. I broke up with my ex a few months ago, and while I believe that everything happens for a reason...Sometimes I still wonder if I screwed up or if he is still the one. I read this quote, "That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time."


I think that I'm a pretty rational person, so I don't think that my wondering if my exboyfriend is the one is because he was my first boyfriend. Everything in that quote is how I felt...how I feel. I feel like he really was the one even despite all our fights. He doesn't call or want any contact (his friends told me,) but at the same time, I feel like I should fight for him. I've always thought that you fight for things that really matter. I'm giving him his time, but the thought still lingers. Any help?


(I also wanted to thank you for all those who helped me, and sorry to those that I haven't helped during my time of realization.)

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Hi Littlepea,

The best thing is to leave it alone. He isn't contacting you and his friends have even said he has no desire to talk to you, I'm afraid you will only be hurting yourself if you keep insisting with him. Don't put yourself in a position to be rejected over and over by him.


I know the feeling you describe, I have felt it before.


You need to try to get on with your life. Do the things you like doing, be with friends and family while you heal. It's not going to be easy, but it's something you have to go through. This guy might come back or he might not, you have to get yourself in a healthy state of mind though. A break up is not the end of the world--even though it hurts so much.


Post as much as you need to. We are here for you through this.

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the temptation to fight ! very very strong urge isnt it

unfortunately when you have to fight to keep someone that doesnt want to stay, it is almost always a mistake.

I am not trying to deter you, please follow your conscience and I believe you should do all you can, atleast that way you will know that you did all you can.


So hell with it, FIGHT.

If thats what you want to do then do then do it.

Dont surrender and and then atleast if you lose you went down fighting.


hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

good luck



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I didn't want to believe that we couldn't get back together too littlepea but my friends who have never said a mean word to me gave me the reality check I needed.


They said, " it's over, he doesn't want you back. The door is closed and locked and the key has been tossed out to sea" among other things, it was harsh but reality kinda smacked me in the head and said to wake up and think about it.


I kept telling myself that it was worth it to fight to get him back, love wasn't supposed to be easy. But I had to realize also that sometimes love wasn't enough, and that there comes a time when you have to let go. When you finally accept this, boy, the light seems to start shining again for some reason. Regret is there but other things, good things emerge too.


I know everyone's said it, but focus on your healing now. Throw yourself into it.

I know it's not much but I hope this helps a little.

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I think I have to disagree. You broke up with him not the other way around? If you broke up with him, then the ball is in your court. I don't call my ex (who dumped me). I can't. I was rejected. The only way we could reconcile is if he made the first move.


So his friends told you he doesn't want to hear from you... That's what I tell my friends too. I talk a big game. But it's not really true.


I don't want to get your hopes up. It's possible you could get hurt. But if you broke up with him and now regret it, maybe you should reach out. He might just be feeling the same way.


Just be careful.

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i think it really depends on the circumstances that you broke up that determines who's court the ball is in. while i would say that in most cases, the person who breaks up should be the one to decide if the relationship is worth pursuing again. but there might be a situation whereby the person who ends the relationship ends it because he/she didn't have a choice. then the perogative should be with the other person to reconcile and bring the relationship back together.

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