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Update on Ex from YEARS ago contacting me...

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Any response will open up a dialog with him. If you say too busy, he will say another time. If you say i know you are married, he will say not happily and I could use a friend. etc. etc. etc.


See what his message really is: Hi, would you be interested in me developing you as a booty call? Then answer it accordingly, with NO REPLY. Silence is the perfect response in many cases in life.

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Silence. Don't respond with anything.


This thread is super old, but...It's nice to see a few people respond.


So...what I actually ended up doing was declining his invite, telling him that I felt it was best if we not meet up at that point -- that I was not really interested in re-visiting the past. I also asked, flat out, "Aren't you married? I was pretty sure that you were." His response to that question was to say he was "flying solo," whatever that means, and to tell me that he totally understood about me not being up to getting together "right now" but that he was thinking maybe a few months down the road. I wrote back reiterating my original stance and telling him that "flying solo" was a very vague way to describe a relationship status -- I think I said something like, "Most people say 'married,' 'divorced' 'single' (as in not married) 'separated' or 'widowed.'" He never responded to that part of my response -- surprise!


So here's where it gets interesting: For the better part of a YEAR, I kept hearing from him. About once or twice a month, he e-mailed to ask me out. He had very specific places he wanted to take me (San Francisco, a particular restaurant, a football game -- even though I hate American football). I declined EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. He asked me out at least six times, and I declined every time -- I even reiterated my stance that I was happily single and not interested in revisiting the past. Finally, even though I hate doing this, I ignored two e-mails in a row from him, and I never heard from him again. I don't like ignoring people, but he wasn't getting the clue.


I haven't heard from him since June 2013. I hope that means I won't again, but...you never know!

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