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Will I ever get over her? The mornings are the worst!

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I would go through the whole story about her again, but you can just go back and read. I would appreciate feedback on that as well.


Anyway, it's been a little over a week and she still hasn't contacted me. I guess she was serious THIS time. It's so hard for me when I wake up in the morning because I'm so used to seeing some kind of text from her or sending her a text. I feel like I'm always thinking about her while she probably is already over our year long relationship. All I can think about is how I've upset her in the past and how she couldnt get over little things that happened a couple of months ago. She was very mean at times and I called her a ***** a time or two. She also couldnt get over that.


I just feel like a bad person and I feel lonely and confused. I am such a nice guy and people tell me that I'm TOO nice at times, but in this girl's eyes I am an ******* who "didn't make her feel loved or respected". Even though some believe that this is the best thing for me because she is a little crazy and has a complex personality, I just can't get over the good times we've had. I think this is easy to handle for her since she had already been in a long term relationship before I got involved with her. She turns 20 on the 22nd and I turn 22 tomorrow. We are both young, but I feel like we could have been together for a long time.


Luckily, she isn't of age and I don't have to worry about seeing her out in Atlantic City or anything when I go out. And i leave for school in less then a month so the chances of me seeing her are slim, but I just can't get her out of my mind. Can females really get over someone that fast? I just don't want to be one of those guys that she forgets about because we've had way more good times than bad.

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I read one of your post ( The heartbraker is heart broken. I just think you should have put a resume or something here because you had so many post about her , I wasn't sure which one is more significant about your stuation). It seems like its been a while that things started to go downhill and the proof is she tried to break up with you many times.

I understand this situation is really hard for. Besides, it is your first serious relationship so it is even more difficult. To be honest, going over someone we do not like won't take that much of time, especially if the guy's been nice to us. This is what I think. I took about a FEW MONTHS to go over someone who I LIKED but who hurt me, but took exactly 2 days to get over someone I thought I won't need.( And I have to say that I am VERY emotional).

What I am trying to say here is that it is different for each and one of.(In general I would say it is harder for girls to move on).

In your case, I think it has probably been a longtime that she's been thinking about breaking up and now she just has the courage to cut you off.

There is nothing you can do about her..not forgetting you. However, I think we all remember those with who we had a serious relationship. So she will always have you in the back of her mind, but chances are she would get over you.


What you can do is to stay calm and confident. Do not try to contact her. I would say it will only make her "leave" you faster. Be realistic. If she wants you she will come back and if she doesn't, you have to let her go. You could say: if she doesn't call back in a week or in a month, I will get over her.


YES. You can get over her. You are young and active. Do not PUSH yourself to forget her. If you need sometime alone, just thinking about her, do so. Do it till you're done. Take your time and try to go out, meet up with friends. There are other girls out there and remember that love has different colors and different shapes. She showed you one color and one shape. But there are some other too. I know this is sort of OPTIMISTIC. But this is the reality.

Try to understand your own feelings and I am sure you can get over this. You don't deserve to be in a relationship where you have to CONSTANTLY deal with multiple break ups.


I hope I helped.

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Hi there,


I'm in the same situation as you. My ex and I fought but had many good times and at times I behaved nastily and so did he, but like you I always believed the good times were worth fighting for. Sadly he didn't so much, and I'm left pondering the same questions as you. I'm a female and I can tell you from a girl's perspective that she won't get over a long term relationship that fast. My ex said and did some nasty things to me too, which I found very hard to let go of, and talking about them made our relationship worse because he'd get defensive and yell etc, or just leave me completely on my own.


She is probably hurting too but resorts to what you said to her as backup not to go back. I don't know, but you will feel better.

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