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The Heartbreaker is hearbroke. Please help!!!


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I am a 21 year old college football player that is having some SERIOUS girl issues. For the past year I have been dating a girl that we will call Eesh.As usual, the relationship was beautiful. We are both cancers, we have the same interests and the sex is amazing.Just all around great chemistry. We were even able to stay together while I was all the way in Oklahoma for school. Everything was perfect up into about 8-9 months into the relationship. I had gone to New Orleans for spring break and after that everything started to go downhill. We started arguing alot and started talking less. The month of April was when the problems really started. Eesh started acting so weird that I began to think that she could have possibly been cheating on me. I would find ways to ask her what was really going on, but she would either go off on me or change subjects. Towards the very end of the spring semester, Eesh began to tell me that she "wasn't fully happy" and that she thought that the relationship wouldn't work because of the distance. As a young man I tried to understand where she was coming from by using logic. I began to become stressed and we began to argue more. I really began to suspect something was going on when she told me that a "friend" from awhile back named Shef had began to contact her from time to time. I tried not to seem insecure, but she was acting so strange that i started to assume. She told me that he lives in Texas and that he's and older guy and they're are only friends. When I came home for summer vacation back in May, things were still bad. We would get drunk together and I'd start telling her the truth about my feelings. I really thought she was cheating and it drove me crazy. One night when we were talking on the phone she told me that she had a conversation with her "friend" Shef on the phone. She told Shef that she didn't know why everything I did annoyed her and that I didn't make her feel special. Mind you, I gave this girl non stop affection and love and respect at this point. I REALLY began to think that she was cheating and I found ways to call her out on it.

A couple of days later, she thought that maybe it would be best if we spent a day or two away from each other with no contact. That same night I hung out with some friends, got really drunk, and went on a drunk Twitter rage. I tweeted funny stuff and called her and her "friend" EVERYTHING under the sun. This really upset her and she broke up with me. We got back together two days later. To make a long story longer, Eesh still held on to my twitter rage and has harshly broken up with me four times already this summer. Each time, except for this one, we'd get back together in a day or two. Just recently I broke up with her because of her nasty attitude and her inability to let things go. I tried to get back with her a day or two later, but she says she doesn't thinks it's meant and that relationships shouldn't be so stressful.

At this point I am going crazy. I don't understand why she calls me to repeat her long explanations of why we can't work. I hang up on her and she calls right back to tell me the same thing. I really care for this girl and I cannot let go of the good times, but I can't keep doing this back and forth ****. We haven't talked in four days and I'm wondering if she is serious this time. I also keep dreading the thought of her screwing someone else. I have been talking to a few females, but I can't get Eesh out of my mind. What can I do? Should I just let it go and move on?






-from New Jersey

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Hey bud......Im going through a break up right now actually and Im leaving my fiance tomorow morning.......sounds like you have a hard time walking away from this girl for what ever reason, sounds like the crap i went through with 2 ex's ago (constant arguing and multiple breakups)........Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess that this might be your 1st semi serious/ serios relationship you have had.......Its hard to walk away from the first real realtionship.....we have all held on too long or put up with stipid crap lol.........here is my advice.............GET A NEW GIRLFRIEND AND START OVER AND FORGET ABOUT HER.......she is a toxic situation and it is mentally / emotionally unhealthy to stay in this crap..............

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Thanks..you've got me all figured out. This was my first serious relationship and I don't know how to handle situations like these. Thanks you just helped me out alot. And I already have a few interesting young ladies that interested in me.

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but she says she doesn't thinks it's meant and that relationships shouldn't be so stressful.


...^^^^...and she's absolutely right...This relationship is becoming too volatile...


What can I do? Should I just let it go and move on?


^^^....In this case...i think so....

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I want to move on but it's so hard. I keep thinking about three things: 1.) The good times we had 2.) The bad times we've had and 3.) Our phone call from saturday night that made me leave work... She insisted that she tell me exactly why we should end it and she wouldnt leave me alone until she got the last word. She kept saying that she wanted to end it peacefully. She also kept asking me what I wanted from her. This girl has driven me completely crazy and I keep making false hope that she'll text or call because we've NEVER gone this long without speaking. I'm starting to believe that it is REALLY over this time and it hurts so bad. I tried hanging out with other girls, but i just cant get her off my mind. Do you have any suggestions that might help? What should I do if she was to ever contact me?

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