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I'm gay but I like girls


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Im gay , and went to a gay club for the first time ever last night. I haven't had any gay experiences before this, but I am definitely gay. I always have been.... Anyway was dancing with a cute before and really feeling it , we kissed and danced .....mean while a girl taps me on the shoulder and says her gay Friend wants to meet me, I say ok......she's asks if I'm gay I say yes, so then she says it's ok if we make out, so I said of course ....so we made out, and later I dance with her gay friend and then we make out, and it's good, so then I go back to the Girl after talking and dancing with her friend and we make out a lot and dance, I got her number before I left. I'm confused*

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You're bi. You probably are attracted to both genders. Although, you said you weren't gay before, so maybe something triggered it? So now you like both girls and guys. Although, I once had a gay friend who went straight over the years. He called it his "gay phase"..but I don't know =/ Anything can happen! Just take things as they come.

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Sexuality isn't limited to "Gay" and "Straight". There are about a million varying degrees of bi-sexuality. It sounds like you are mostly attracted to men but once in a blue moon a woman will come along you are attracted to.


I totally agree with you. And just because one is attracted sexually doesn't mean one has to have sex with that person either.


People get too worked up over the very simply complex aspect of the sexual spectrum.


Just enjoy having the experience.

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You are almost certainly 100% gay, there is no such thing as a spectrum it is just that we don't like to limit ourselves it makes us seem less interesting. That night at the bar making out with a girl more than likely it was something you did to make you seem more interesting. That is the bar scene, we try to make ourselves look interesting. There are probably some bi people out there, but the vast majority we hear about probably are saying it for other reasons.

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You are almost certainly 100% gay, there is no such thing as a spectrum it is just that we don't like to limit ourselves it makes us seem less interesting. That night at the bar making out with a girl more than likely it was something you did to make you seem more interesting. That is the bar scene, we try to make ourselves look interesting. There are probably some bi people out there, but the vast majority we hear about probably are saying it for other reasons.


There is such a thing as a spectrum. I'm also somewhere on the spectrum but I don't find it any importance to mention where for this. It's for myself. People can be attracted to one sex heavily with a little spark reserved for the rare few on the other sex. Or they can be evenly attracted to both or seemingly even but there is more of a tug to one side. Or they could be emotionally attracted to one sex more, see them physically attracted and do get turned on, but anything further, maybe not as much as being fully sexually attracted to the other sex. The list goes on.

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You are almost certainly 100% gay, there is no such thing as a spectrum it is just that we don't like to limit ourselves it makes us seem less interesting. That night at the bar making out with a girl more than likely it was something you did to make you seem more interesting. That is the bar scene, we try to make ourselves look interesting. There are probably some bi people out there, but the vast majority we hear about probably are saying it for other reasons.


Did you say there is no such thing as a spectrum?


Tell that to the vast majority of us who are neither 100% hetero or 100% homo. Most people have at one time in their life found themselves attracted to someone of the sex that they usually are not sexually attracted to.


To some people Love is about the person not necessarily the sex of the person.. For some people that is much more fluid than for others.


Maybe for you you are one hundred percent but spend more than ten minutes studying sociology and particularly human sexuality and you will clearly see it isn't so cut and dry. 99 percent of us fall outside that 100 percent sure on either side.


And I am not saying we are 50/50 either. Some are. 85/15. 85 hetero 15 homo. Or 85 homo 15 hetero. Some are 98/2.


But there is a spectrum. This poster proved it. I proved it. Another poster on this thread mentioned it. It exists.


And maybe the OP is very narrow spectrum as well. Perhaps he wasn't even hitting the other side that night. But that is up to the other poster to decide.

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The most confusing part of this to me is that the girl asked if you were gay, you say "yes", then she asks you if you want to make out? lol.




She probably thought he was cute and it wouldn't lead to anything.


Sort of like how many women have crushes on gay friends. It is safe.

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You are almost certainly 100% gay, there is no such thing as a spectrum it is just that we don't like to limit ourselves it makes us seem less interesting. That night at the bar making out with a girl more than likely it was something you did to make you seem more interesting. That is the bar scene, we try to make ourselves look interesting. There are probably some bi people out there, but the vast majority we hear about probably are saying it for other reasons.


Seeing as all scientific evidence in both human and animal sexuality has proving there is a wide ranging sexual spectrum I am very interested in any and all evidence that supports your theory here.


OP, 10 minuets of research on any reputable website about human sexuality will show you what most people here are telling you.

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But there is a spectrum. This poster proved it. I proved it. Another poster on this thread mentioned it. It exists.


I don't believe it, but it really doesn't matter that much. It is not something that can really be proven, its a belief reinforced by experience and personal anecdotal observation, none of them very scientific. I do think there is more of a spectrum in women but even for them its pretty lopsided one way or the other. There is a great deal of peer pressure to be interesting especially among young people, certainly to be bi is far more interesting than to be one way or the other. For a lot of young guys especially, its easier to come out as bi than it is to say you are gay, for some it is a phase to actually believe it. It seems to be a far more open minded thing to see sex as a human experience, again more so with women who generally want to have sex with a person rather than something seen as a piece of meat. Man or woman doesn't matter then, as long as it is a wonderful person, and it is about the human experience. It all comes down to what you believe I guess.

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Could you please provided sources to back up your claims? It seem to me you are attacking what you call "anecdotal" and "personal experience" non-scientific evidence while using only that kind of evidence for you own argument.


I suggest actually looking at the scientific studies in-depth. They are very interesting.

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Sexuality IS a spectrum. But society glorifies bisexuality in women and lesbianism and men liking men is seen as frowned upon and threatening. That is why there was a backlash against Brokeback Mountain from some social conservatives but lesbian theme based movies are applauded.

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Could you please provided sources to back up your claims? It seem to me you are attacking what you call "anecdotal" and "personal experience" non-scientific evidence while using only that kind of evidence for you own argument.


I suggest actually looking at the scientific studies in-depth. They are very interesting.


That is exactly the point I am trying to make, there is no scientific evidence, just beliefs reinforced by so-called statistics on humans sexuality. They are so problematic that they come down to what you want to believe. If you already believe there is a spectrum as most people do, you are going to find a ton of evidence to reinforce those beliefs because those are the kind of studies you are comfortable with. You'll reject the studies that challenges those beliefs.


In the end it doesn't matter that much like I said before.

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That is exactly the point I am trying to make, there is no scientific evidence, just beliefs reinforced by so-called statistics on humans sexuality. They are so problematic that they come down to what you want to believe. If you already believe there is a spectrum as most people do, you are going to find a ton of evidence to reinforce those beliefs because those are the kind of studies you are comfortable with. You'll reject the studies that challenges those beliefs.


In the end it doesn't matter that much like I said before.


WHat you just said can be applied to you telling a person they are 100 percent gay. That is all just beliefs reinforced by so called statistics.


You can't apply analytical values to one theory and they invalidate them on their own merit on another.


Scientific evidence really is nothing more than that which is generally accepted under Properly documented circumstances.


This spectrum has been studied for decades. And humans have demonstrated it for thousands of years.


I wasn't cool when I was kid to be bisexual or kiss a girl or any of that stuff so while I agree that for some kids it is just something they do for a good Facebook photo that doesn't always apply to the rest of the population.


Only the OP can really say if what he felt for this girl was anything. Heck sometimes a young man will get excited rubbing against a desk. Doesn't mean he is sexually attracted to the desk.


But the human sexual spectrum isnt about being exciting or looking cool or anything like that.


As the other poster suggested you might want to read some on this. It is fascinating. I particular like when scientists can make you feel inlove by zapping a certain part of the brain.


Ah human emotions are so complex.

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