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1001 good questions


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116, are u bi?

117, is there anyone in sko0l/work u find atractive?

118, r u a vergin?

119, how old r u?

120, would u like to chyll wit me some day?

121, are u interested?

122, am i hot or what?

123, do u masterbate?

124, how manytimes a week?

125, r theis questiong to persanol?

126, can i kiss you?

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  • 1 month later...

127, are you male or female?

128, Hows the diet going?

129, who was the last person you had sex with?

130, can i let you finish off that dream you were having about me last night?

131, how many women have you been out with?

132, Would you mind lifting up your skirt for my mates?

133, Would you be offended, if i slept around while we are dating?


Keep em coming

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134) do you have a mobile phone?

135)whats the number?

136)u dont mind me texting u do u?

137)are you a vegetarian?

138) how r u feeling?

139) if u ever feel upset u kno u can come to me, right?

140) do u like chocolate? its hard to tell because ur the perfect size

141) can i write you a poem?

142) do you like looking at the stars?

143)do u believe in the almighty lord of spam- (sorry had to add one random one)

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  • 1 month later...

147) Nice shoes, wanna have sex?


(Actually, it's not "have sex" it's another word that would not be appropriate for me to write It's a pickup line at my old college )


148) Is it hot in here, or is it just me.


149) Do I have broccolli in my teeth?


150) heard any good pickup lines lately?


151) Have you ever been to New Zealand?


152) Do you believe in aliens? 0X


153) Have you been abducted by an alien before?


154) Have you ever seen a UFO?


(Actually - I met this really weird guy at a bus stop who asked me all these questions! OMG, he was so weird! I told him that I'm not allowed to speak to men, and I walked away...)

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