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i m shy and she is confident.......


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hello.........i m a shy boy......its unusal ,usually girls are shy.... but i m shy i have to admit this..........i like a girl but i cannot talk with her because she is much confident than me.........The only way it seems that i should make myself go nearer to her is by talking to her.......If this is the only way then how can i make ways to talk with her ..........Whenever i tried to talk with her....and whenever i examined her ...... its seems that she is not intrested in any of the guy............How can i make things that she start talking with me and start liking me by the time.............. ................Thanks in advance.

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next time you see her tell you like her shirt but her hair looks like crap but in a funny way. That should get her attention, from there on out your gonna need to stay on your toes pay attention to what she says and ask her to elaborate on things. Pay attention to key words then have her carry on about those, stay in control and just let her talk most of the time.



her "I went to europe over the summer"


you "oh ya, where in europe?"


Her "blah blah paris blah"


you "I bet paris is awsome, Ive never been, what amazing sites did you visit there?"


her "blah blah blah The Louvre blah blah blah"


you "The Louvre, did you see the mona lisa or the Venus of Milo?"


Her "blah blah blah"


After a few minute tell her that shed make a good "friend" and get her number, then bail. call in a a few days, go out for tea and convo.


Good luck, and remember if shes doesnt seem into you, dont feel bad about it, it wouldnt have be any fun anyway then. Find someone who is going to enjoy their time with you.

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say her hair looks nice but her shirt looks like crap


cause if you dis their hair then they probably get pissed cause their hair is like their life to them


Thats not nice, if you dog her shirt and your out somewhere she cant run home and change like she willl want to so she will be conscious of it and uncomfortable all night. Atleast after you tell her about her hair she can go to the bathroom and try to fix it(she will and she wont tell you thats the reason but), when she comes back you can tell her that it looks much better now. In a funny way. So you score points on that one twice.

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well , the problem is this that how can i make my self to talk with her.....when i go in front of her ..........She talk so much confident ly that i could not talk to her ........Then result is this i have to come back without getting any points......

How can i manage my self to talk with her ......

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I think amerkraker has some "rightishness" in his post. In a joking way, tell her her hair looks nice, but bag on her shirt, or whatever she's wearing. The point isn't to make her do something different with herself, but to joke around with her, be funny, and make her more comfortable with you. Insult her, but in a funny way. Don't aim at anything personal, life her person al life or weight, but stuff like her hair, if she's short, little things like that you can turn into something funny. I guess it's a way of showing her how intelligent and quick thinking you can be.


Hope i helped.

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if shes one of those really confident girls then she spends like an hour in front of the mirror and you dog her hair then your in for trouble.


just compliment her, but not too many times cos it will be obvious your trying to get her attention. if you like everything about her...dont say anything bad cos then your not being yourself. and if she dont like the real you then why would you even consider going out with her.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, yes, yes, gentle teasing is the way to go. I was out with a guy once and I said I was cold, he smiled and said, "maybe 'cause your sweater has holes in it!" (it was one of those loosely-knit ones) adorable.


Do not pick on a girl's hair! boooo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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