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Everything posted by amerkraker

  1. i dont want to interrupt your guys lil convo thing going on but yea dude just f**king call her she gave you her number and she acts all happy around you i didnt get that far with the girl i really like... so dude just go for it fast before she thinks you dont like her and she might move on... just call her wednesday after school
  2. im gunna have to disagree with dopestar... say her hair looks nice but her shirt looks like crap cause if you dis their hair then they probably get pissed cause their hair is like their life to them so yea........... thats all i got to say
  3. all she did was sat next to you and said she had too much paper that doesnt mean anything wait a lil bit onger and see if anything else happens before you get your hopes up about her liking you
  4. yea, dont take it so hard when you see her huging another guy, everyone hugs if they kiss then you know shes a $lut but if shes just hugging and she lets you kiss her, then yea, ask her out
  5. thx a lot dude i think i will try that joke thing and its not like she doesnt like and now she does i had been with her a lot as in hanging out being friends, nothing more i started hanging out with her when i got over her and everything so maybe she just knew me a lot better and actually knows who i am now but yes, i love your advice its like the perfect thing god i hope it works thx again
  6. please someone take 5 mins to read the story and send a opinion or advice im desperate and i cant think straight just take 5 mins of your time and you might make a person very happy in the near future
  7. im exactly like you man and right now im having that exact same problem and i cant tell you anything read my post if you want
  8. this is sort of a confusing, depressing, desperate, story. but you most read it to understand my question. ok when i was in 8th grade(2 years ago) i liked this one girl. i didnt know her or even talk to her once. all i knew was that i liked her. i thought of her 70% of the day probably. i had thoughts, hopes, dreams about her. yes, i know this sounds sad but you know what?, my life is sad so just shut the f**k up and read. i loved this girl and i was friends with almost all her friends, i knew her name, i knew where she lived. but i never had the balls to talk to her. not even to say hi. this whole desperate for her thing went on for 6 months. when school ended i was sad that ill never see her during the summer. i havent and when i became a freshman i saw her again. this time i didnt like her the way i did before. which was weird. for about a month i liked this other chick. but then that got old and i went back to liking the girl from 8th grade for some god damn reason. well i finally had the balls to talk to her and me and her actually became friends. wow it only took me 9 months to actually become friends with her. anyways...sometime in april 2004 i actually decided to finally ask her out. i wasnt thinking straight that day. but it was weird it was a friday and i just couldnt hold it any longer. i didnt see her in school all day so after school i went to her house and asked her right on her front door.(pretty odd, i know but hey, whatever goes, goes) well when i asked her she started laughing and thought my best friend put me up to this thinking that this was some type of joke. i said it wasnt then she stopped laughing and actually found out that i was serious. she said she already had a boyfriend so then i knew that she was going to say no. so pretty much right then and there i thought i wasted a year of my life on someone that i loved so much and thought of everyday, someone that i thought i was going to have a great future with just went straight down and there she had no clue that she broke my dreams, hopes, thoughts, and my heart. i walked away. (skipping depressing moments after that day...) we were still friends acting like that never happened i wasnt hurt anymore suprisingly, and that carried on til now now im a sophmore. more things had happened to me. got together with a couple of girls...didnt like any of them that much lately ive been very busy with my school work and trying to keep my grades up while my social life is slowly fading away cause i never get the chance to talk or see my friends anymore unless i see them in the halls or theyre in my classroom. the girl i used to like though i still talk to though, either in my history class or on the bus. its weird because over the summer it has seemed that either she changed or that i changed because now shes been talking to me a lot. shes been giving more attention and giving me complments. she sorta flirts with me time to time now(shes sorta a tease so im not sure if shes really flirting or not) and she always smiles when shes talking to me. but for the past two weeks shes been talking about homecoming time to time with me. its weird because if you think about it...the only time you talk about homecoming to a person that much is when you want to ask her/him out, am i right? shes asked/told me: 1. got my homecoming dress today 2. man, i got no one to take to homecoming(told me that twice) 3. you going to homecoming? 4. who you going to homecoming with? 5. whens homecoming? plus her friend sam(short for samantha) ask me before if i liked the girl i said no(at the time i wasnt really sure) and i think sam asked me that cause the girl i used to like wants to know if i still like her because i believe she now likes me...sorta the problem is this is sorta similar to last year's situation i thought the girl liked me too so thats why i had the balls to ask her out. and im having that same feeling this year except everything is more tense and more stronger so the only thing thats stopping me from asking her out and thinking that she likes me is the memory from last year when i asked her out and she turned me down. so my questions are: 1.does she like me? 2. should i ask her to homecoming? please send me something, plus me emial address is email removed
  9. i know how it feels im too quiet too and thats what everyone says, and the thing is...i like quiet girls, but its hard to get hooked up with them cause theyre just well...too quiet and shy, but see if you want to talk to a guy i guess you prob want one thats quiet and too do that i guess you just got to find a guy thats pretty quiet and try to start a convo with him and who knows maybe itll work out idk, im not much of a ''people person'' but thats my opinion and who cares what people think about what you do or who you are you only live once and so just do what you got to do
  10. thank you, i finally got over the girl it was hard but now i feel free
  11. alright ill ask her but...just...how? i never asked anyone out to a dance, so i dont know how i should approuch her and how i ask her out mind me, im a dumbass...this aint my strongest link....music is
  12. sorry, somehow i got cut off so i wasnt able to finish my message. what i ment to say was i saw her today and she said hey and i said hey. then we talked and talked...that went on for about 2 minutes about. then she asked if i was going to homecoming. i said ''i dont know, not sure now, you going?'' she said the same thing about so......then we talked about that then i thyink she was about to ask me out to homecoming for some reason. but then she backed down and didnt ask. so idk know if she chickened out or just didnt want to ask right then and there. but who knows...THIS IS ALL IN MY HEAD, maybe she wasnt gunna ask me at all, lol but anyways im thnking of asking her out to homecoming, but im not exctly sure i want to aske her. cause i dont want to look like some loser or w/e cause im not EXACTLY sure if she likes me. so please give some advice because everyone knows that asking girls out is the best thing i do and imk not going crazy like i was before actually after i talked to her, i just sorta laughed but yea thats all i got to say
  13. hey, its wednesday and um well yea...i was doing that thing where i dont think about her or whatever. and well i finally sdaw
  14. hey ive been trying out what you told me to do ive tried not to think of her, im not looking for her in the hallways or anything like that im getting a little better and im not crazy anymore...well not crazy for her im always crazy but oh well, now at least im starting to get over her, but now i feel lonely but ill find another girl...hopefully
  15. f**k other people, just go for it
  16. no im not mad at you or anything, its your opinion. and ill agree that i would find someone better than her, i really do. but see...that take a long time and everything, plus i dont really like the girls at my school, theyre either goth, gheoot, or just plain ugly(im not shallow) so yea, it is hard to find another girl. but ill try out your idea for a week or two idk maybe longer and just not search for her anything and just try to forget her. itll be kinda hard, but ill try. and i swear to god, if dan was trying to have me stay away from her just so he could have her, id kick his f**king p*ssy punk @$$ so hard hed be masterbating with his own mouth. haha, i dont know where that came from but yea, ok, thanks for your opinion
  17. ok i saw this girl before. infact i made out with her, but see that was outside of school. i dont see her in school and um well i like this girl a lot for some reason i just find her really cool but if she dont like me then i guess im gunna have to go find another girl, but see ill probably never find a girl like her again
  18. ok first things first i never told or showed anyone that im like this, so i dont have to worry about that second, i am very emotional, and by that i dont mean i cry a lot or im a p*ssy or whatever. but i have a short fuse and im sorta crazy(been in rehab bout 2 times) but see no one knows but im just pissed, i never see her in school, never saw her once! um thats all i got to say
  19. please people, i need f**king advice, im going nuts! i know this is a long message, but please spend the time to read it and understand my problem and the situation i am in.
  20. haha bomb formula, good one well dude i sent a private message to you about an hour ago i think not sure, but its quite a long message so check it out and help me too my message is right underneath yours so help!
  21. sorry i ment to say on friday the 10th anyways please send me a message!!! im desperate
  22. For about the past week I have been pretty upset. Ill start my story from when i first met this girl... on friday the 13th, sept. i went to a fesival with a few friends(. later that i night i met two girls named yohana and cassie(freshman). we all hung out for about 3 hours. before we all left us guys gave the two girls our numbers. later that night i got a phone call from both of them. it was yohana and she was just telling me she hada good time and everything, then cassie got on and she said the same thing, then she said that yohana likes me. and then we all decided to meet back up at the fest the next day(saturday) when we all got there and by we i mean dan, aaron(my friends), me cassie and yohana(the girl that lickes me). well we hung out all day and it seemed that yohana wasnt really that into me. i asked cassie what was up with yohana and she said shes kind od a shy person.(im shy too). well later that night(10 pm) me, cassie and dan walked around for like 10 minutes while aaron and yohana were in aarons car talking(and i know aaron wont hit on her or anything cause aaron is like 18 and yohana is only 14) so when we got back we went back in the car and did some other stuff. and around 11 pm, me and yohana actually started talking and started having a pretty good time(i think...).and then about an hour later we had to drop the girls off. while me and aaron were on our way home aaron started talking about yohana and himself talking while me, dan, and cassie were walking around. he said that she said that she does like me but she also sorta likes another guy, but she is still deciding. Monday at school, i spent the whole day looking for yahana. i never see her in school, nor cassie. i asked dan and aaron if they saw yahana. aaron said no and dan said that she is in his gym class. Tuesday at school, i told dan to tell yohana to call me cause i dont have her phone number and i would like to talk to her. well at the end of the day, after his gym period i asked dan if he told her to call me. he said he forgot. Today in school(Wednesday), a couple of periods before dans gum period i told dan to tell her to call me. he said ''i cant, i switched gym classes cause i was in a freshman gym class)... Now see...this is what bothers me and has me thinking. you dont have to switch classes just because youre a sophmore in a freshman gym class. i got some juniors in mine and it doesnt matter. so now im thinking that dan really did ask her to call me and yohana said something like she doesnt like me or whatever. and i think dan is trying to pretend that he never asked her so he doesnt have to tell me the truth so i would have my feelings hurt. and i know dan wont try to take yohana because: 1. yohana doesnt like dan(hes got green hair [hes ''punk'']) 2. hes already got a girlfriend. 3. me and him are bestfriends and he would never do anything like that to me. so now i am go crazy, my chest is caving in, i cant eat, i cant think straight, i cant do homework, im having flashbacks of today, im turning red, im sweating, im getting tired, i have no faith in myself, I AM JUST GOING F**KING NUTS NOW! i just need to find out if she likes me and fast cause i think im giong crazy(dude, i really like this girl for some reason and i dont know why, and its not because i heard she likes me). plus homecoming dance is coming up and i would love to ask her. but how the f**k am i gunna ask her if i never see her and i dont know her god damn phone number?! plus i dont know if she likes me anymore. so please...anyone...help me!...i cant take this anymore
  23. dude! listen to scout. thats the way you shouldd live by-"I'll have plenty of time to be quiet when I'm dead." Life is not a dress rehearsal, my friend. This is it! Go for what you want. thatll get you far in life man, just go for it! if you mess up, so what, you learn by mistakes. and if good is on your side, then holy hell man, youre there and have a great time. but first you must make your move!
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