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I begged to much and it pushed her further away. Do i still have a chance?


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my ex dumped me because i was clingy, needy, codependent, jealous, no self esteem, and no social life that my whole world revolves around her.


but after she dumped me, i kept begging her for 5 months! I was wrong, it was my first heart break so i have no idea how to handle it.


she said she's tired of me and that i should just find someone else.

I guess my begging and pleading just proves to her that i really am a needy person.


Until finally, my heart gave up, that was her birthday i said goodbye and never contact her again. I blocked her out of my life.


It's been 2 months since then and NC is helping me recover and reflect to all my previous actions and the relationship as well.


I LEARNED A LOT. i learned to value myself, love myself, enjoy life, and i learned so much about handling a relationship. It was my first relationship so i have no idea at all how a relationship works... all i know was that, i love her and i want to be with her. it's not always like that. i learned a lot and it changes my view in love and in relationship and hopefully, if the next one comes along, i'll be more capable of having a healthy relationship.


but, ist it too late for her to come back?


i think i already made myself look so pathetic and unattractive to her, that she wouldnt even think of getting back with me.



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The more begging, the more respect they lose from you. You don't have a chance with this girl in the foreseeable future and big likelihood that she's gone for good. There's no way to tell. NC is the best mode of action..achieve a state of indifference and let her go. Become mysterious and attractive again. Some ex's dump and never look back and there is no hope but there are some who are more forgiving, don't dwell on the past, realize the potential in a restored relationship, etc.


I know I have little to no chance in getting my ex back. She's a depressive person, dwells on negatives and holds grudges, is insecure, young, in a college I don't go to, my first LTR, quickly started dating someone else. Good luck getting someone like that back. You never know though and its best not to hope. The best way in getting her back is to get yourself back.

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Dont worry man just keep up with improving yourself and getting out there and having fun! You may of pushed her away but let's face it we've all been there and done that with our first love,

The best way to go about things and I'm telling you from experience is to go out, go on dates, meet new people, and have the best time of your life, if she see's all the fun your having she may want to contact you and be apart of it, but by looking weak and down will only confirm her decision


Hope that helps!

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Clingyness and overly needy are traits that incenses women about men. So the more you do it, the further and further you push them away. Each relationship is a learning curve to your next. Some people get stuck on the same learning curve whereas others grow from their experiences and move on to form better relationships. You have to decide which you will partake in.

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Yeah you have a chance. But most likely she will only come back when you no longer want her to. Ironic isn't it? The only way for her to want you is for you to not want her to want you.

Seems to me you are not there yet if you are still wondering if you have a chance with her. Two months is not a long time. I know it seems like a long time when you're in this situation... we've all been there. It takes longer to actually build a social life and take up new interests, etc. You need to get busy with the changes and stop worrying about whether you appear changed. Really invest in yourself and enjoy doing it!

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