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Good books for healing

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I don't know if you want to read something specifically about relationships and stuff or if you want more of a diversion from that stuff since you've just been through a tough time...anyway, I just finished reading the D'Vinci Code by Dan Brown and really enjoyed it. It's fast-paced, intelligent and well-written. I highly recommend it.

Hope that helps

Happy reading!

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Since you are a guy, I'd recommend High Fidelity or anything by Nick Hornby.


Bridget Jones is good for a girl, and super funny either way.


I am also a big fan of "Series of Unfortuante events" by lemony snicket, kids books? Yes. Funny? Heck yeah....


I read magazines and short stories most... short attention span.



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I love funny stuff, esp. when I'm going through tough times. I read the book of essays "Naked" by David Sedaris and I laughed my a** off. I love the movies too. There's nothing like putting your life on hold and sitting in a dark movie theatre. I have been to some funny movies lately. Most of them were kind of dumb, but who cares? I watched "super tropers" and "up in smoke" again at home and I saw "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle".

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These are two books tha helped me ALLOT.


The first helped me understand what went wrong in the relationsip, what i did wrng what she did wrng and what not to do next time.


The Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work.


trust me it's excelent


The secnd is a more spiritual book and can be a little hard to connect to in times but i think is what really pulled me together during this dificult time.


It's sort of my bible.


The Power of Now.


please read both of these, they will help you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i recently got my hands on John Gray's men are from mars women are from Venus Starting Over and im finding it quite good so far..

lots of useful insights into the feelings im experiencing and well advice on how to heal and move on..its good

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