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I have been thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend. I don't think I'm happy most of the time. I don't really feel like I'm a good person when I'm with him. I don't feel like he really cares about my feelings or that he's willing to make any sacrifices for this relationship. I don't think asking to try to reach a middle ground is asking him to change which is what he thinks I mean when I asking him to meet me half way about certain things. Part of me thinks it's workable, that because it's his first relationship it's excusable for him to hurt me. He thinks he's giving me chances but he doesn't realize that he's almost out of chances himself. I realize that this isn't a healthy relationship, yet, I'm finding it difficult to walk away.

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It seems like you have been doing a lot of thinking It seems that he is not meeting your needs. It sounds like you have talked to him about it, but he he is unwilling to even try to do that. It also seems like you are making exuses for him. I am guessing you are both fairly young, so both of you don't really know what to expect in a relationship, but it does seen like you do know what you want in the relationship, that you are not getting it, and have no hope of getting it from this fellow. It might be difficult to walk away, but it is what you must do to find the right person for you. ....chi

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I have been thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend. I don't think I'm happy most of the time. I don't really feel like I'm a good person when I'm with him. I don't feel like he really cares about my feelings or that he's willing to make any sacrifices for this relationship. I don't think asking to try to reach a middle ground is asking him to change which is what he thinks I mean when I asking him to meet me half way about certain things. Part of me thinks it's workable, that because it's his first relationship it's excusable for him to hurt me. He thinks he's giving me chances but he doesn't realize that he's almost out of chances himself. I realize that this isn't a healthy relationship, yet, I'm finding it difficult to walk away.



Need more information... what makes the relationship unhealthy? What's happening?

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You've identified that this isn't a healthy relationship, and all the questions/thoughts/doubts you list in your original post indicate to me that it is time to leave and move on. Breaking up with your boyfriend is a very difficult and painful thing to do, but if you're unhappy and unfulfilled and you sense that the relationship is through it's just something you need to do. How long have you guys been together?

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Oh...I've posted on this site before so I guess my other posts "I always make him mad on accident??" and "I want to be with you but you don't make me happy" pretty much explain why I think this relationship is unhealthy.

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