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Cyber sex worry and guilt.


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Hello everyone.


I'm feeling very alone and worried. I started masturbating around the time I was 16. I usually do it a few times a month, sometimes more. I'm not concerned about how often I do it, but I hope it will give some insight. I am also not sexually active in person, though I have been with 3 guys total. Anyhow, it's been 4 years since I started and I have gradually worked my way up to watching porn. It helps me achieve orgasm. However... The last two nights I was curious and wanted to try something new. I found a sex chat website and have had cybersex with two different people. I used a fake name and age, and never gave my location. It was just harmless fun to me. But now I'm feeling guilty and paranoid. I hear a lot of stories about sexual predators online. I have no intention on ever meeting these people or even talking to them ever again, and I don't plan on having cybersex again. I'm just worried that I may have found myself a bad habit or have set myself up for being stalked and kidnapped. My mother worries about me already and I can't talk to her about it. I probably sound ridiculous Feedback would be much appreciated!

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Well the first part of your story is just the normal run of things ..you knock one out yourself and watch porn to help you along the

way ... so do I ..so do most of my mates ..male and female ...


and it gave you a thrill to extend this to cyber sex ...You have a good sexual appetite , you want to explore , you want to take your

sex and the feeling to the next level ..nothing wrong with that ..but maybe you just need to get a b/friend ..oh hang on are you male

or female ? I presumed you where female for some reason ..but whatever sex you are your just exploring and ready for a sex

life in the real world .


who the hell am I to judge what turns you on ...but you know you have to be safe and never ever let anyone know anything about you.


there is no point feeling bad about it ...your not a monster ..but your are getting lost in cyber space .. try real life and meeting potential

men/women for relationships .

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I'm curious about your age. You seem young from the way you write. You also mentioned that you lied about your age and that your mother worries about you ( assuming that you still live at home ). If you are a minor, I cannot stress this enough : STAY AWAY FROM THE CYBERSEX SITES. Curiosity can get the best out of you. It already did when you first went on it. I really hope that you won't be too curious about actually meeting people on there.

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Find out a trust worthy male partner if you are straight. Why to try out cyber sex when you can have the real thing. You are already above 16 and so i guess a mature adult. Stop living in the worlds of imagination and come to reality. And yes the thoughts of being kidnapped is another imagination of your mind. So just forget it. I would advocate cyber sex only to someone who can not have it in real......

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How old are you, OP?


If you are a minor, you shouldn't be on those sites. Otherwise, as long as you are single, I don't see the big deal. They can't stalk you if you have a fake name/picture/location, so keep doing that. Most people aren't going to care. There is nothing to feel guilty about. I masturbated for years until I began to date and I think I was a lot better off for it. It's normal to want to explore and learn to please yourself first. I think that's healthiest, actually.

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Oh, wow...thanks for that shoorting star. I must have missed that. >


As long as OP is single, I don't see a problem with it. If she doesn't feel like dating quite yet, then she shouldn't have to. Masturbation and porn can be a way to explore what she likes and learn what turns her on. I am glad I took the time myself before entering a relationship.

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Oh, wow...thanks for that shoorting star. I must have missed that. >


As long as OP is single, I don't see a problem with it. If she doesn't feel like dating quite yet, then she shouldn't have to. Masturbation and porn can be a way to explore what she likes and learn what turns her on. I am glad I took the time myself before entering a relationship.


haha ..oh I am slow all day !!!


that is exactly right what you said ... you discover your own body and sensations etc etc that is a very healthy way to put it fudgie

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LOL. That's correct, I am 20. Don't worry, I'm plenty slow sometimes too.

There is one part in particular that is really bothering me, but I didn't quite want to post it until I knew I would get some responses, so thank you very much.

I was talking to someone who claimed to be a college student in another country. He wanted to play a strip game where we'd send each other pictures, no faces allowed. I ended up sending him one picture, all my clothes on, no face, waist up and the room was dark. However, on the website itself it warned that photographs can carry all kinds of excess information, including the exact GPS location at which the picture was taken. Unfortunately for me, I found this out AFTER I sent the picture. I immediately stopped chatting and logged off, and well, here I am!

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. Everyone at 20 starts getting turned on and looking for new ways to experiment. God, at that age I think I jacked off 7+ times a day. Cybersex, porn, a freaking watermelon could set me off. But maybe try to date a little more casually, take it slow, and find a good partner to experiment with. Two people who like each other and are both horny as hell is the best thing in the world.

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I don't think anything bad's going to happen to you going on the cybersex sites if you give a fake name.


The only worry is that it could become an addiction and you could start spending too many hours doing it. I know people this happened to.


However, it is less harmful than going out and banging random strangers in person.


EDIT: I just read your update and I didn't realize you had been sending these people pictures. I thought you had just been doing dirty talk or on live cam. I wouldn't do the picture thing, as you don't want them to show up anywhere. Even if your head isn't showing, it could be embarrassing to come accross one of yourself on some site.

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