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Parents, how did you know what you wanted to name your child?

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I was named after a family friend that both my parents liked and decided to name me after her. I met the family friend when I was little. I thought she was an utter B and I didn't really like being around her. I love my name but don't like the person.

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It is funny how people end up with their names. My mother wanted to name me either Michelle or Dawn or Jacqueline. However she felt Michelle would not have been said in the French way, and Dawn....well eh.......maybe she was not too fond of and Jacqueline she felt would be shortened to Jackie which she LOATHED. So I got a completely different and Anglo name............LOL. I guess she felt since I lived in an Anglo world not a French one I should have an Anglo name.


My son's first middle name is my brother's name. My brother and I were inseparable when we were small. I was his hero and now he is mine so I named my son for him. My son's second middle name is my husband's father's name and my husband's middle name. Eh, that one was forced on me a bit. So I just use my son's TWO name's.

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I was named after a great-great-great-great-great (a lot of those) grandmother (first name) and my middle name is my mom's middle name. My first name is very Irish and I have the longest way to spell it - in 24 years I have NEVER met someone who shares my first name who spells it just like mine is. If I had been a boy I would have just been made a junior (like my little brother is).


The names my husband and I have picked out for our future kids are very family orientated. They either are tied back to our names in some way or another family member. We chose the names we did simply by listing a bunch of names and going 'yay' or 'nay' to whether we liked them or not. It was actualy a pretty easy process!

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It's funny, but both of my kids did not end up with the names we'd originally planned during the pregnancies. Each time we'd whittled it down to one boy's name and one girl's name we both liked, but then shortly before they were born we "felt" the boy's name wasn't right and threw out some new ones until one felt seemed like the one. Both were boys (although we expected them to be girls) and both came early. I'm glad we chose the names we did. For the second one, especially, our original choice was all wrong. I can't explain why, but it just doesn't fit him from day one. (Both are now grown.)

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^ I have to say, my son's name does fit him to a T......or rather the meaning of his name.


Same with mine (the meaning)... I was taught that all names have a meaning and can speak blessing on the child and remind them that they are important, special, loved, and that their life has meaning and purpose.... I was adopted... but the name I was given at birth was Desiree Louise H., which mean Desiree- desired, Louise-warrior. My birth mother did this to remind me that even though she couldn't take care of me, I was loved and desired, Louis H. was my father who died before my birth, he was a warrior and as a adult I was able the follow in his footsteps and honor his memory and my mother's sacrifice.

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Same with mine (the meaning)... I was taught that all names have a meaning and can speak blessing on the child and remind them that they are important, special, loved, and that their life has meaning and purpose.... I was adopted... but the name I was given at birth was Desiree Louise H., which mean Desiree- desired, Louise-warrior. My birth mother did this to remind me that even though she couldn't take care of me, I was loved and desired, Louis H. was my father who died before my birth, he was a warrior and as a adult I was able the follow in his footsteps and honor his memory and my mother's sacrifice.



Aww that is the most beautiful thing!


My son's first name means : "little King" and his second name means " Beloved of God"

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Aww that is the most beautiful thing!


My son's first name means : "little King" and his second name means " Beloved of God"


My child with autism...his name means "God is my judge" second name is "And He will add"

I just fell in love with the name...I didn't look up what it meant till after..... It is a statement and a promise that I hold to everyday.

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My child with autism...his name means "God is my judge" second name is "And He will add"

I just fell in love with the name...I didn't look up what it meant till after..... It is a statement and a promise that I hold to everyday.


My son is slightly autistic. Something in common we have.


My other son who died before he was born his first name has to do with the will, being strong willed and his second name means " A strong man of God"

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My son is slightly autistic. Something in common we have.


My other son who died before he was born his first name has to do with the will, being strong willed and his second name means " A strong man of God"[/Q

Mine that are not here...are Hannalore Esther- a laurel of Grace, a star , Dominick Louis- Lord and warrior, Jesse Nicole- a gift, The Victory of the people... These names of my children, give me peace in the midst of sadness.

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My neighbor that I grew up living next to for my entire life had a son named 'Hayden' and for some reason the name just stuck with me..I absolutely loved that name. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I said 'if it's a boy, his name will be Hayden.' I later found out right after giving birth that Hayden means 'heathen'..and then I knew, he was definitelyyyy meant to be named that. Haha.

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