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8 years of friendship and then BAM...

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so me and my 'bestfriend' were friends for 8 years, last year. it would've been 9 years this year but..you know, things happen. We'll call her A.


It was in year 2 that i moved schools from Wardell Public School to Ballina Public School,...I was the new girl and absoutely would NOT leave my mother. Not long after i was in there A came up to me and said 'hi', i don't think much was said, but i knew we clicked. We didn't have any classes together at all throughout primary school, but we still made times to make memories with each other. We would have sleep overs and play dates and pretty much stuch by each other through anything. I remember in my first year of moving to that school i got into a verbal b*tch fight with this other girl who literally kept stealing everyone away from me, but A stood up to her and wouldn't move and then sh*t hit the fan and we started yelling and what not. you know like normal kids do.


We held hands going everywhere although we wern't a couple...Noooh, that would've ruined our friendship. But anyway, we did everything together. On the days she would sleep over at mine we would watch charmed or buffy the vampier slayer and have toilet roll fights with mum aswell. We would being idiot together and wouldn't care what anyone thought of us.


I think it was pretty much when we both went into High School that things started to change. We didn't hang out as much anymore and i didn't know what i did wrong, i tried to sum it up that i ruined things but it just didn't make sense so i just left it and tried to continue on with life. I hit year 8 and i changed dramatically, but so did A. My mouth started to run more often and i often lost alot of people. A would always be so distant from me. she would ignore me and give me the cold shoulder and act like she didn't need me in her life. I didn't know what to do, i was falling apart. So, i took care of things the only way i knew how to, and that was to start cutting. i researched alot on that too. But it just made the situation worse. I always tried to invite her over and made sure i was always there for her, but she kept pushing me away. It was our eighth year since our friendship started and i had enough. In anger and frustration i ended our friendship via piece of paper.


I tried, time and time again after that to apologize but she wouldn't listen and that often triggered my emotional issues and i left crying and wanting to knock the sh*t out of A. She didn't speak to me for 5 months straight. And that was in the beginning of year 9. After 5 months SHE decided she wanted to talk to me again. She COULDN'T see where i was coming from which i hated the most. She got everyone else to fight her battles for her, she wouldn't face me herself.


Things are still awkward but i don't where things are heading. I don't know why she put me through so much frustration and anger.

Why'd she want things to end? That's the only thing i can sum it up to cause she just left me to do that bad deeds. Can someone help me understand it? I know its not much to go by, but honestly i'm not that sure of what happened but that above is the only things i know that happened.



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Honestly, sometimes there isn't really a good explainable reason. My best friend and I were so close in high school and had a major falling out when we left for uni. When asked about it, I can't really explain what she did/I did to cause it to happen. We stopped speaking to each other for a little over a year, starting speaking again, stopped. And now we're starting to put our friendship back together. I am still very scared to let her get close to me, and I think the only reason why I'm invested in fixing it now is because I'm having a falling out with my best friend from uni. And I realized how much I miss her and that we both needed some time apart to grow up. I guess I've realized you don't want to fixate yourself of figuring out what happened and how do I return it back to what it was. It's best just to be like, "whatever, fine that's how you wanna be" and let someone else come into your life. I know it's hard to think, but we've been friends for so long, how could you do this? But it's not the years that's important. It's who is willing to stand by you now. Find a friend that treats you better.

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I guess in a relationship (doesn't matters what way) it has to come from BOTH sides. Like YellowMellow said, i think it's best to let her go.

Go on with your life and be happy without her, maybe one day she'll regret what she has done and you can try to be friends again.

And then again, it has to come from both sides.

xx Moonsong

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But i can't let go of her,...its not that easy to get rid of a person who was there for you for 8 years...that's like the whole of my primary school life, she was the only thing that mattered. Basically all my friends are over the internet, because i can't soacilize. She's in my everyday life, she wrote me a letter not that long ago during one of our classes together,...she said she wanted or was willing to walk the long miles and stuff, but i dunno if its gonna turn out good. `I just couldn't do it, I won't, I'm not going to let go of her.... I can't.

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Well, about the letter: you never know until you try I think you should take this chance and see if it works out.

Take it slow and be yourself like you used to be, you won't lose anything if it doesn't work out.

I'll be cheering for you!

xx Moonsong

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