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I am terrified about losing my hair!!!!

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I am only 21 and I already very concerned about losing my hair and going bold. Almost all of the male ancestors in my family went bold quickly, and my hair line is already receding. My friends often comment on this when they see me (I tell them its not something I need to be reminded of). The thought of losing my hair really really bothers me. Like hair is sometime very intimate to me. Losing it would bother me soul for the rest of my life. Are any of the other guys here scared about losing thier hair and going bold? How do you deal with it? Do you know on any products that honestly do prevent hair loss?

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This won't help prevent going bald or anything so it's not real useful, but my boyfriend is going bald, and it honestly doesn't bother me-not at all. He's just as sexy with as without. I know guys are really sensitive about it-he is, but some girls think it's just as sexy!!


-sorry not much help!

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Sorry, I'm not going to be much help either, but this post reminded me of something.


I remember when I was 17 I had this huge crush on this guy my same age and he had a receding hairline. It didn't make one bit of difference with me and apparently not with the other girls either--he was one of the more popular guys in high school.


After graduation he just opted to cut his hair as short as can be, without actually shaving it off. Is that called a buzz cut? I have no clue . He is still one of the best looking men I know.


Drahcir I know it's probably no consolation to you right now, but I hope you know that alot of women like a guy regardless of how much hair he has.

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I am only 21 and I already very concerned about losing my hair and going bold. Almost all of the male ancestors in my family went bold quickly, and my hair line is already receding. My friends often comment on this when they see me (I tell them its not something I need to be reminded of). The thought of losing my hair really really bothers me. Like hair is sometime very intimate to me. Losing it would bother me soul for the rest of my life. Are any of the other guys here scared about losing thier hair and going bold? How do you deal with it? Do you know on any products that honestly do prevent hair loss?


chances are, you will get bold. stressing probably doesn't help out (in fact, i think it might make it worse). there's technology that claims to prevent hair loss, but i don't know how reliable that is.


sorry i'm not much help

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I agree, first of all don't stress yourself out about it. Stress causes hair loss to increase. Your genes are something that cannot be changed.


There are a lot of products out there like Rogaine (I'm not a man so I'm not sure about all of the products) that can help you out. Don't be embarrassed to research or use these products at your age. Also, make sure you are eating a balanced diet. I know that hair loss can be sped up by a lack of certain nutrients.


Talk to your doctor. He/she probably knows a lot more about it that could be quite helpful.

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I know going bald is something many men are insecure with (I have dated some of them!) but honestly it is NOT a big deal, unless the girl is very shallow and who needs that anyway? Consider it a good screening mechanism! I was involved with someone for five years who had a severe receding hairline, he had started losing hair at about 16 years old, and by the time he was in his 20's, it was not really falling out as much, but he did have thin hair, and quite the receded hairline. Did not matter to me one bit, I loved him with all my heart and found him incredibly attractive. His confidence always shone through, sometimes he joked about his hair, but he was actually okay with it.


Really, it does not matter to me, and I am a very attractive woman - there are far more important things than how much hair you have!


My most recent ex-bf though was/is very insecure about losing hair, he has not yet started but he is 25 now and all the men on his mother's side are totally bald. I did some research for him at one point, and found that Rogaine/Propecia (I think in combination) are supposed to be very effective at preventing hair loss in the early stages if it is something that does concern you a lot. I know he will be using them as soon as he sees one hair too many on his pillow!


Whatever happens to your hair, or you choose - remain confident - that is far more attractive than a headful of long locks

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Use Rogaine, it works. My hair started to receed/thin a little and I started using Rogaine and after a couple months it came back to normal. It's kind of a pain to use, twice a day and the stuff drips down your forehead, but if you stick to it the results are worth it.


People are right about the stress part too. If you stress a lot, you're going to lose your hair. So exercise more, eat healthy and get sleep. I also noticed that if you drink (a lot) that can cause your hair to fall out.


Basically just try to be as healthy as you can and (which in turn) will cause you to be less stressed out. But there's worse things in life to worry about than losing your hair. I know when it first starts happening it can be the worse thing in the world, but eventually it won't be such a big deal.

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Hi Drahcir,


Don't worry about it. Some women actually find it sexy! One of my ex's used to have a receding hairline. It was barely receding. Whenever he'd look in the mirror, I could tell that he was always depressed about it. I always tried to reassure him by telling him he looked adorable. In fact, his baldness is what made him even more attractive. It's not only sexy, but to me, when a guy's kinda bald it reminds me of someone who's also intellegent! So try not to worry about it. You can still have a receding hairline, and women will still dig you. It's all about attitude. If a guy can carry on a charismatic attitude, even with a receding hairline, then nothing should get in his way. Most of the times, it's his personality that counts. It's by far, what ultimately attracts women!



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I feel you bro, I know exactly what you are going through. The funny thing is that unless a person is going though this, they have no idea what it is like. I see people all the time with hair far worse than mine, and I don't think anything of it, but when I first noticed it and looked in the mirror I felt like I was losing my whole self image.


Lucky for us we live in a time where there are ways to stop hairloss, especially at a young age. When I noticed my hair starting to fall out around my 19th birthday, I freaked out and did a ton of research on it. I got myself on a regimine and as I approach my 23rd birthday, I have maintained most my hair.


There are only two proven treatments for fighting hairloss. Rogaine and propecia. Using those two combined with the shampoo nizoral seems to be the best way to combat hairloss in this day in age. Also, as technology improves, there will most certainly be an improvement in hair restoration surgery and probably a cure sometime in our lives. These drug companies are finally realizing how large of a market there is out there, and the first one to find a cure will make millions and millions of dollors overnight.


If you have any questions, feel free to send me a pm and I'll be happy to answer them.

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I know the feeling. I feared losing my hair since I was in my teens, but fortuanately I have never lost my hair, or atleast not much of it. You should go to a skin doctor and have the doc give you some ideas for a solution. Or like someone else mentioned...shave your head. Girls where I live go crazy for that.



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