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Dating A Redneck Man


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So...the guy I have liked for a while also likes me (woohoo!) We have been friends for 6 years and had a crush on one another the whole time, but never acknowledged it really until today. He is a redneck, and I have never dated rednecks before (I am a nerdy type of girl who mostly has dated other nerds...but at the same time I love the outdoors and live on a medium-sized farm with lots of animals). I want to learn more about the things he likes, as I find it fascinating, but it´s really overwhelming for me (I have never even been hunting before!) How do I go about dating a 19 year old redneck and is there anything I should keep in mind.

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Well I can pretty much tell you, YOU'RE IN FOR A RIDE!! As a nerd who dated a "redneck woman" (thanks Gretchen Wilson!! lol!) it was definitely out of my comfort zone AND her family's as well. They seriously HATED me for being black, but my personality grew on them fast (if 1 year counts as fast for ya lol), and before I knew it, I was eating deer sausage and quail every Sunday.. And hunting on duck season with her dad.. Her dad and I both loved poker so any time one of those "we are so different...." moments came up, we'd simply talk poker.. Eventually her and I moved in together, had a child, was about to get married, and then her and I ultimately decided we just weren't ready for all of that.. Well okay me more so than her.. Anyway, I sort of wish I got to hang out with her brother more actually as he was the offroading in 4 wheeler, mudding, bass fishing kind of guy.. BUT.. I'm very much happy with my experience in two-stepping, country music, and chicken fried steak.. as well as a beautiful young daughter..


Advice.. Enjoy the ride and indulge it all. You'll only become a much more cultured and intelligent woman from this experience, if nothing else.

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The term "redneck" is derogatory. I would be very careful using that term so freely first of all. It is important to get to know him and if I were you, I would take the opportunity to indulge in different tthings he likes and share your interests as well. You might find a new hobby/activity to do together. Who care what other people think if it's "redneck?"

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The term "redneck" is derogatory. I would be very careful using that term so freely first of all. It is important to get to know him and if I were you, I would take the opportunity to indulge in different tthings he likes and share your interests as well. You might find a new hobby/activity to do together. Who care what other people think if it's "redneck?"
Not really, I am from Kentucky and many people label themselves that way with pride. He even considers himself as a country boy/redneck.
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Coming from England I had to look up the word 'Redneck". The computer started flashing and throwing out random sentences like -


'Ya sure got a pretty mouth, boy'


'Ya know how to squeal like a pig? Weeeeeeeeeee!'


'Come meet ma wife and ma sister' (It's the same woman)


'I sure don't know how to quit ya, boy'


Obviously, I don't what all the above means, but I thought it was talking about Cornwall

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i'm part redneck.


i'm also part philosopher. part academic. part sci-fi geek. part gamer. part outdoorsman. part tradesperson. part man. part boy. part this...and part that.


the point is...we're all amalgamations of many things. and often times, the only thing labels achieve is to polarize people into one thing or another, as opposed to the multi-faceted beings that they are. it's limiting.


open up. look past the label. take an interest in the person as a whole. some of his hobbies may be redneck...but i guarantee you he's a whole lot more than that.

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So...the guy I have liked for a while also likes me (woohoo!) We have been friends for 6 years and had a crush on one another the whole time, but never acknowledged it really until today. He is a redneck, and I have never dated rednecks before (I am a nerdy type of girl who mostly has dated other nerds...but at the same time I love the outdoors and live on a medium-sized farm with lots of animals). I want to learn more about the things he likes, as I find it fascinating, but it´s really overwhelming for me (I have never even been hunting before!) How do I go about dating a 19 year old redneck and is there anything I should keep in mind.


So why is hunting and fishing being a "redneck?" You talk as if he is of a different species. Just treat him as a normal human being. Go out on dates to movies and pizza, hikes in the woods, etc, and other stuff you like to do. Doesn't mean you have to go hunting.

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So why is hunting and fishing being a "redneck?" You talk as if he is of a different species. Just treat him as a normal human being. Go out on dates to movies and pizza, hikes in the woods, etc, and other stuff you like to do. Doesn't mean you have to go hunting.

I´m not...I just wanna know a different way to relate better to his interests. He likes all the typical things that go along with redneck activities, and considers himself as one, so thats why I asked. I have known him for 6 years, so I do know other things about him, but I have never done any redneck things and he has talked about doing them with me, so I wanted to have some advice so its not too strange for me.

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