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I just didnt post this, is that a good idea or not?


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I need advice everyone!!!!!! should i send this letter to him?


"I went to my cousin's house tonight to see my cousin who just moved here from Iran with his wife and daughter. My cousin whose house it was also was married in Iran and moved here, her husband brought her here. There are a lot of men that end up going to Iran to get a wife and bring them back because somehow they think those women are more wholesome than the women here. My cousin met his wife and their parents told them after a week of dating they had to decide whether they wanted to be married or not and same with my cousin before and same with my uncle. Marriages and kids happen fast in that culture and I am up against it. My grandmother tried to set up a quick marriage between me and my cousin and for it to hopefully be fruitful in kids but I was against it.


I wanted to apologize for dragging you to my house and having sex with you because in hindsight that probably ends up leaving a bad impression on you rather than a good one. You see what I am up against, men looking for wholeshome women and I probably dont help my image after just having sex with you after 3 dates. I feel pressure to meet someone and get married and have kids with my family, especially my grandmother so thats why maybe Ive been pushing things and maybe trying to move our relationship along quickly because I feel like maybe I am running out of time. I am 36 and would like to eventually meet that someone and have 2 kids. So I am panicking a little.


You seem nice and I figured in my head that you are charming, charismatic, and witty and I feel like we may have a connection on several levels. We went to the same high school so that brings up a lot of memories but honeslty I dont even know you and I did not even know you in high school. I have experienced post traumatic stress disorder and suffer from bipolar which is what I take all of my medication for and I have been slowly coming off of my medication, but I feel anxiety and I know what hell it is and what you go through. I might not fully understand what you have been through because I cant imagine my baby dying and I feel sad for you, but I want you to have hope. Maybe it is not a good thing that I have suffered mentally too, maybe you should be with someone more innocent.


I realized after sort of falling for you that I don't even know anything about you all I know is that you are some guy from my high school which I have warm fuzzy feelings for asked me out on a date on facebook. I was flattered and with my sister's encouragement I signed up for the Ben Keller ride. Honestly at this point I don't know you and there is a certain level intimacy that I think we reached and I think that is why we slept together, but honeslty I think there is still a lot more there that I don't know and that is why I have been pushy in trying to get together with you and get to know you better because part of me thinks that we might be a really good match , but a part of me is completely and utterly convinced that we need to get to know each other more and that is why that I want to see you so much. You feel comfortable to me and I dont know if thats just who you are and you probably make everyone around you feel comfortable and thats why you are in sales, and its not anything special of my doing or our time that we spend together. The last guy I dated was a car salesman too and we got close too fast but maybe because that was just his personality .


I can get pretty clingy sometimes I admit, when I was married I would call my husband 2 or 3 times a day, so I just want you to understand that is part of my personality. I guess what I am saying is I'd like to get to know you better and see where this goes knowing what I am looking for, are you along for the ride or does your train stop here?


I feel like I am in a long distance relationship, writing letters, hoping for the day that I get to spend more time getting to know you.

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Nooooooooooooooooooooo. Why can't you just let things develop naturally???


Again, that's a terrible letter to send him. Keep a diary or a journa,l but don't send him that kind of stuff. You may aswell have just gone ahead and asked him to marry you.


my sister told me not send it too. I want to send something.


Thanks guys! I just asked him what he was doing tonight and no response so he must be at work, I just feel rejected and then all of these words come out of me!

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