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My overwhelmed niece needs supports (and her parents aren't helping)


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My niece (who is 24) has had issues with depression, generalized anxiety and ADHD over the past several years and has previously done well with meds and psychotherapy. Since she graduated from college last year she has had difficulty finding a job using her degree (partly because of the economy, partly because of her past issues). They have recently reared their ugly head to the point where she has been feeling extremely overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed and has shut down. She's only been working part-time (not in her field) which has led to some financial issues (bouncing checks) which has led to further anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. She lives several states away from her parents and they have recently suggested that she move back home/close to home for the time being. She does not want to consider this option because the city where she lives has more options in her field than where her parents live.


She has been trying to update her resume lately to further her job search but she hasn't had the energy to do so. (Her mother and I have offered to tweak her resume and/or help her in her job search). She recognizes that she's shutting down because of feeling overwhelmed but her parents don't seem to understand it. My niece confides a lot in me that she would never tell her parents (because I've been in similar circumstances in the past).


She saw a therapist today for an initial session and he started her on Lamictal 25mg daily and Xanax as needed. He wants to target her anxiety first. He's not sure about a bipolar or AD diagnosis yet - he wants to evaluate her further (she goes back next week).


She's a wonderful girl with a lot of potential. I'm glad that she has taken the step to see a therapist but I am wondering how I can help her along in this process. (She lives several states away from me as well).



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Hey there,


I kinda relate alot with your niece. I have some issues (depression, low self esteem etc) that are really inhibiting my potential and because of this, my career as it were is almost non existant. I too have a degree and although I work somewhat in my field but I am not utilizing it the best I can or should be.


That's great that she is seeing a therapist and she's started her journey on the road to recovery. What I get from your post is that she sought out help by her own admission. That is excellent!


I suppose, living a few states away, you can offer her your support and encouragement. Don't lecture her or tell her what she should be doing. Don't force her to overwhelm herself if she isn't ready to make the next big step in her life. She's got a big fight on her hands and she needs to prioritise otherwise these issues will resurface or remain at a low chronic level and hinder all aspects of her life.


It's unfortunate that she isn't willing to move back closer to the folks.


Sorry I can't offer you something better. I hope it works out for your niece.

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