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mmm yeah Im pretty well into the acceptance stage. I dont completely blame myself for the breakup as I used to, as Ive realised she had a few unresolved emotional issues stemming from past relationships and her family life, as well as having accepted the fact that there's no way she's coming back and I'll probably be lucky if I even see her again. But I still dont feel ready to love someone else again, and I still feel that any new person I do meet will be immediately compared to her. I also have some pretty intense pangs of missing her (maybe one every couple of days), such as when I found out yesterday that our favourite band (the reason we originally got talking) is coming to tour. But I guess these will pass, as everyday she slips further back into the past and further back into my mind.

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Really, what an unpleasant character if she appears every now and then just to stir up your emotions and then hop of again- no good at all, can't you block her in some way or form? Sounds very destructive


Yeah it is. I pretty much have killed all options other than changing my phone number. I don't use social networking, don't associate with her friends etc etc. She is nuts. She had an eating disorder for the entirety of our 5 yr relationship. Clearly still having to deal with some sort of associated personality disorder. She isn't changing anytime soon. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear she can find acceptance either. Well, she can, but she cant accept that I wont be moulded to a convenient door mat.

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I go between sadness to... denial a quite bit.

Angry... eh... sometimes, but I can't be angry at him. Only when I think about his harsh words, but then I remember... I exchange some words myself... lol. That typically calms me down because... in arguments where there no limitation, things will be said... Hahah.


I hope I hit acceptance already. The sadness... that MAKES me angry...

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