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Why is he still on my facebook?!


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My ex just disappeared last saturday and has been ignoring me ever since, (although I stopped trying to speak to him after 1 week). He is now on my facebook and I am really not sure why because last time he pulled a disappearing act 1.5 years ago he deleted and blocked me from everything. I feel like I don't have the strength to block and delete him and I can't delete facebook because I keep in touch with a lot of family and friends on this. Why.

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I agree with CaptainConfusion. FB is really bad for these sorts of things. I made a rule that I'm never going to have people I date on my facebook. It's because my family is on there. I don't want my family involved with my exes and I don't want my exes involved with my family. To me, they are two separate worlds. I had one guy I dated delete my mom whenever he felt like leaving me, then re-add her and it was just horrible because I love my mom.


FB is just a website. If it isn't doing you any good then either delete your account or make it into something that is good for you. I keep mine these days just to store pictures. I only have 20 people on there who are all family or old classmates.


No boyfriends, exes or anything...unless I'm married to the guy!


Delete him if it bothers you.

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I keep hearing the words "I can't" - YES YOU CAN - please stop making excuses for yourself and block him. His actions are not though through - there is no reasoning behind them or at least NOT the one's you would like them to be.

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My ex just disappeared last saturday and has been ignoring me ever since, (although I stopped trying to speak to him after 1 week). He is now on my facebook and I am really not sure why because last time he pulled a disappearing act 1.5 years ago he deleted and blocked me from everything. I feel like I don't have the strength to block and delete him and I can't delete facebook because I keep in touch with a lot of family and friends on this. Why.


You'll just have to bite down and find the strength to terminate him from your account. There's really no other way.

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I dont know why he hasnt already deleted and blocked me. The other times he left he always deleted/blocked all traces of me. Sounds so petty really but causes so much upset.


I am just feeling extra * * * * ty tonight because my mum and dad have been staying in my apartment for the past 3 days and they just left. They took my mind off things and now Im alone and feeling like * * * * .

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