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Recently saw my girlfriend for the first time and need some advice

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I recently saw my girlfriend for the first time a week ago. She lives in California and im from New York. We're both so in love with each other that there is no other option than to stick this out to the end. Before seeing her I would get upset maybe every once a while but now since I left it's an everyday occurrence. There's not a second where im not thinking about how things were when we together. I miss her more than anything in the world and this whole thing has gotten me so upset in the past week. We've been talking for a total of two years and have been serious for about a year. We're planning on seeing each other again in around 2 months for summer, its just hard for me to look forward to that until the actual plane ticket is bought. I really need some advice on how to cope with this sadness and depression, this is the hardest thing i've ever went though in my life and being upset like this i know is not good for me.

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How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? There isn't really much you can do. Skype, talk on the phone, text, etc. Unless one of you is willing to move (this is where age comes in) there is nothing much you can do so...it might not work but yeah...stick it out if you can. It will be hard.

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  • 1 month later...

To cope, I would work on getting some balance. If you are texting and talking to her all the time, do you hang out with friends, pursue hobbies, etc? Or are all your non working hours spent being in constant communication - whether that is talking or texting eachother (even if you are doing something else and texting every few minutes)? The richer your life is, the better relationship you will have. But I suggest thinking about this relationship seriously as far as - do you guys actually foresee that one of you will move or will you eventually live near eachother to actually date? Or can you really not see that happening?


Overall, I think you are far too invested and filling your life with other things will take away the dull mood because you are not depending on contact with her to make you happy - you can be happy when it happens and enjoy it, but if the rest of the time you are down until the next contact from her - things are out of whack.

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AH! I feel for you man. I was in your shoes. The thing that helped ME the most was remodeling my room. I bought ALL new things and seriously did a huge overhaul. Keep your mind busy. Hang out with friends, join a gym, etc. Make it a point to go out, even if you don't feel like it. I know exactly how you feel man. It felt like I got dumped. Hang in there. It seriously gets A LOT better when you get used to it and being long-distance can actually be very rewarding. You get to know a side of yourself and your partner that you've never known before.

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