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Would you keep a dog that is not potty trained?


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Just curious, how many here would keep a dog that is not potty trained? My cousin recently bought a new house and she is about 10 months pregnant. She has a small dog that I believe is a morkie/yorkie mix and the dog is not potty trained. My cousin got the dog when he was a puppy, and now it is 4 yrs old and still poops and pisses all over her house. She should of trained the dog to go outside but instead she did trained it to go in the litter box in the basement. The litter box is always clean and sometimes he does go in there and does his business but a lot of times he just pisses and poops all over the kitchen floor, family, living room etc. She has another dog, a cocker spaniel that is potty trained and goes in the litter box. But her other dog just goes where ever he wants to. She gives the dog praises and treats when he goes in the litter box but he still pisses and poops all over the place. She brought him to the vet and the vet said some of the smaller breeds are hard to potty train. I told her to get rid of the dog but she does not want to. Her new house is full of piss and poop stains all over the place and the smell is terrbile. I have been to her house a few times to repair a lock and some other things in the house, and I have stepped on dog piss before and I flipped out. I told her that is the last time I'm coming inside the house unless you get rid of that dog. I don't understand how anyone can be so attached to a dog that just * * * * s and pisses all over the floor. It is disgusting, flithy and not normal. I would never ever keep a dog like that in the house! How can anyone live a normal life with a dog like that? I wish she would get rid of that dog because it is gross and not healthy to live with a dog like that, especially her being pregnant.

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Why the HECK would someone have a dog go in a litter box??????? The dog is not the problem it is bad training by the humans that is the problem.



This question is like asking would you return a baby for crying and pooping! Puppies are like babies, and at a good young age, they need to be TAUGHT. Their non-taughtness is not their fault, but the fault of the person keeping them and their laziness.

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If the dog is not trained to go in the litterbox, either it should be trained or the owner should recognize that it cannot/will not/is more difficult to train, that the litterbox solution is not working for them and that they should start bringing the dog outside.


It's not a dog problem, it's a people problem. Why hasn't she brought the dog outside yet?

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I agree, dogs need to be trained properly as a young pup. They are like toilet training a small child. It takes time and if you do not do it properly, well, you get a situation like your sister's. However it is not the dog's fault. They are not cats, they do not go in litter boxes and they are not trained by their mother like cats. Maybe your sister needs help in how to raise or keep a dog.

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I don't understand, if a dog is not 'potty-trained', that's the owner's fault, not the dog's. Dogs are not cats. They go outside for their needs. I am sure she knew that before she got the dog? She should hire a professional to train the dog now. Sending him back to the shelter is sort of punishing him for her own mistake.

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I agree the litter box is not the right way. The reason why she trained it in the litter box, so she won't have to take it outside all the time. She is lazy! She tried a few times taking it outside but that did not work well for the dog. It did poop and pee but still does it inside the house. She should not have any dogs at all.

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People have babies that puke, pee and poop all over everything. Why do they keep those? Because they love them.


Your cousin shouldn't have trained the dog to use a litterbox, that's ridiculous. But I'm not sure why you're so upset. It's her choice to keep the dog. If you don't like it, just don't go to her house anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agree puppies need to be trained and training needs to be re-inforced. However why are you upset? Do you live there? If you live there you have a right to be upset and ask for the situation to be remedied. If not, sorry but it is her choice to fix this or not. She obviously has chosen not to and live with this and you really have no right to demand anything.

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Why am I upset? I'm upset because of her living conditions and she is PREGNANT! How can you live in filth and be pregnant? Do you think this is healthy for her and the baby? I care about her health. I do not want anything bad to happen to her or her baby because of her living conditions.

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I agree, I have a relative that works night shifts and then sleeps most of the day. He got a dog way back against everyone's suggestions that he doesn't need a dog. The dog stayed in the crate for most of the day and if the dog parked, he banged the cage. He and his wife never took the dog to get trained, but she always talked about doing it.


They were my parents, I wind up taking the dog out while I was at school during my later college years and trained her to sit, stay (for the most part she does this, usually very good at it, but other times not so), and took her outside. Most of all, I let the dog on my lap, pet her, and gave her the attention she wanted.


My parents don't have any other kids, but have a parrot. After I graduated and moved, I took the dog. Before I graduated, I had talked about taking the dog and my mom order my dad a new dog. Now after I'm on my own, that new dog wears a diaper and they have a little mat for her to use. She still never got trained. The diaper is when she is out of the kitchen since the kitchen has a surface easy to clean.


Still they work odd hours and I bet still don't spend quality time with the dog. She practically craves attention when I am there and most times has guck in her eyes that I clean up.


Some people, just should not have pets, but love the idea of it.


If your friend is going to have a baby (still with their SO?), then they need to gradually let the dog get used to less attention. But also, they need to be able to train that dog. Having a dirty messing house and a dog that could possibly pee on the baby is not good.


If they won't train a dog or get the dog trained, then I just can't imagine what they would do to a baby.

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I had a Cocker Spaniel that l inherited from my daughter. The dog was 7 years old when I took her. She was not potty trained when I took her, but it only took 3 days for me to train her. I trained her to go outside, so she would stand at the door and look at me when she needed to go outside to do her business. I also trained her to do tricks, sit, lay down, shake, roll over. My daughter was astounded with how much the dog had learned since I took her. Some people have a knack for dogs, and some people don't. OP, I don't know how you would feel about this suggestion, but would you be willing to train her little dog to potty outside? It should only take a few days if it is done correctly.

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Personally, I could not live with a dog that is not toilet trained. I have trained all of my dogs from a very young age to ask to be let out when they need to go! Especially since I like my dogs to be inside dogs, I could not deal with a house with dog poop and pee everywhere! No way!

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