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Nice Guys Finish last... its a question....


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so i was a nice guy... i still am... which sucks... lol... im a friend... not something more serious...


so i was thinking... alot of guys talk about... nice guys finish last...


so i wanted to know what you guys think...


Is it true? is it just something that is just stupid and guys should drop it? i mean... lay it on me... tell me what you guys think...





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"Nice guy" has unfortunately been deemed as the curse of the male friend to a female of love interest. Girls are usually attracted to the guy that shows strength and non-chalant mentality towards dating them. My ex-gf kept saying she always wants what she can't have, and when I would flood her with what I thought she needed -- love, compassion, and easily accessible -- she actually pulled away. It's strange how things work -- everyone wants what they can't get.


See the quote in my profile as well. I think it is very profound. Girls love to flirt and casually date the "bad" guys, but in the end they all go home with the good guys.

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yeah. I have been the nice guy for a long time, and before my last girlfriend broke up with me, it never really made much sense, and I didn't really think about it that often. But there is something about women that they don't like the predictableness of someone who they know what to expect with. I gave my exgirlfriend everything I had, and it ended up to be too much, and I believe that after dating serious and getting your heart broken, it kinda strips away some of that nice guy attitude. I am going to try not necesarrily the bad boy attitude, but somewhere in between a nice guy, and a complete jerk....I think that is what will work the best

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I know exactly how you feel about that. I showered my ex-gf with love, attention, and easy accessibility. This worked great in the beginning of the relationship, but backfired in the end because she got tired of having what was always right in front of her. She would say "I want what I can't have so maybe if you'd stop doing this then I'd want it more and more". I should have heeded that advice, and it ended up costing me the relationship.


I agree though man. I am definitely not making that mistake with my next relationship. I need to learn to give and pull away, give and pull away, etc etc. Like a carrot on a stick... don't intentionally hurt her feelings, but try to keep her guessing and always wanting more of you instead of less.

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i think you need to find a middle ground because i used to be a complete jerk and that didnt work and then a nice guy and well i got left for other peolpe 2wice which led me to this quote " its a cruel world out here , and nice guys finsih last". but if u can get da middle ground its good because girls want something different no heaps nice but no complete idiot

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Nice guys seem to finish last because some people don't hesitate to take advantage of us. But in the end, the good guys do prevail. We're the type girls want to seetle down with and when that happens all the bad boys will be left with an empty feeling and no meaningful relationships. The problem for nice guys is being patient until then and not giving up being a nice guy.

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I agree that nice guys end up with the women in the long run. Maybe "bad" guys have flings, but women do wise up.


Anyway, my advice to nice guys is to be careful not to get bitter. If you start to feel sorry for yourself, that's the kiss of death. I got to know a nice guy awhile back, and what turned me off wasn't that he was nice, it was that he felt he'd been messed over by jerks (who got the girls) and had a chip on his shoulder about it. "Bitter" is not attractive. It says "poor me," not "I'm confident and value who I am."

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Nice guy finish last?! HAH! Since when? HONASTLY that's how I usually hook up with chicks. I guess it's because nice guys are rare around here and when a chick meets one she's surprised. I always get the "you're not like most guys". I dunno bout you guys, but I'm stayin a "nice guy", but you wont see me finish last.

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I will be a nice guy as long a si live because i know it is right and i like doing it.There is no reason to be liek all these other jerks because u r just basically repeating the same thing that many of these messed up jerks have done for years now.I dont want to complete the trend i want to be a different guy.I mean the girls who use us type guys as doormats r stupid and ignorant because they r basically gonna ruin us.They have no respect for the better type guy because i believe we r the better guy because all these others jerks just want to have sex with any women they possibly can with who r attractive.And that is very lame and messed up and means nothing.Its a never ending cycle because people keep getting messed up and ruined in the process.As for me ill just stick to going with the shy girls and tryign to talk to them cause most of the time they r the good ones.

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Well, all guys are different, and each person will have their own opinion on this subject.


Be a good guy. This is what God wants you to be. God wants you to be a good person, but all people are different. Some people dont' believe in God, but that is your own problem! Basically, All I'm going to say is be yourself. Girls will come and go. Even then you shouldn't change who you are. Love yourself before you go inside a relationship. Be confident with the person you are with. Be with someone that you think you will have a future with. Have goals for yourself. Have a life outside your relationship. Be with the person for who they are and many more things where that come from. Don't just go with some random girl you don't even know! There is a girl for everyone. Only you can decide which one is right for you. You must realize that 99% of your relationships will not last!!! Goodluck

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But you cant forget, being a nice guy is one of the best ways to get into a girls pants. Especially the type of girl who isnt into just sleeping with anyone. Personally, I like being a nice guy. I have alot of girl friends, which most of them I've dated already. Being a nice guy makes the girl feel confortable around you, which can bring out sides of her that you would have never seen. And then, knowing and liking the person you're having sex with makes the experience 110% better! Nice guy has always worked for me(#2 nice guy of course).


ECD, sorry, but I'm not the kind of guy who screws everything that walks.

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A nice guy is someone who is: respectful, courteous, considerate, thoughtful, will listen, is there for the girl when she need you, and is above all else a friend. Someone who is a gentleman. He still stands up for himself and doesn't allow himself to be used, but still treats a woman with class.


And any one who would even think that being a nice guy is a good way to get into a girls pants, is not truly a nice guy. A nice guy doesn't even think about that stuff unless he's in a serious relationship.

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I think there is a BIG misconception about nice guys. The difference between a nice guy and a jerk is not as black and white as people make it out to be. If you are a nice guy and BORING, then you will not have much luck with women. Being a jerk is certainly not the answer, but they are a little more interesting than just a nice guy who is completely predictable.


There exists a BALANCE that must be maintained in a relationship in order for it to be successful (of course there are no guarantees). You have to develop a feel for giving and taking. If your the kind of guy who is constantly "giving," you present no challenge what-so-ever and become a bit of a bore. This doesn't mean that you can't be a nice person, it just means you have to have some expectations of your own, don't base all your decisions around keeping the girl happy. Let her come to you sometimes, she will appreciate you more for carrying on with your life than sitting around waiting for her to make all the decisions.

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