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Do You Think This is Stalker Behavior?

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Ok I usually stay on here to help others as I have had tremendous personal growth post break up (early December 2011). The short version as not to bore everyone is that she blindsided me and broke up with me. During the break up she told me that she never had any feelings for me (dated for 7 months) and that I wouldn't amount to anything. Now I know what you're thinking how has this outstanding individual made it this far right lol? Needless to say, post break up I completed my MBA, accepted a promotion at work, I work out almost every day (best shape of my life), training for the tough mudder competition, and have started to date a very nice girl who I have a pretty good connection with. Then it happens, I had kept NC and I received two text messages from her yesterday (2/26) asking if she had saw me at a particular place and then the next one was why I was ignoring her. As I had deleted her number I stepped on the land mine and asked who it was. Once I found out she wanted to know who I was with. I told her that I was with my new lady and that conversation was inappropriate. She responded with "oh. ok, well have fun. I'll talk to you later


Now if you were in my shoes would you not consider that to be stalkerish/creepy behavior? In a way it does make me feel good that I treated someone so good that they have reverted to being a borderline stalker. The bad news is that I may have to start dead bolting my door at night Anyone have similar experiences? Thought it would be interesting to see if others have had this happen. Keep it light as realistically I don't care about her anymore and am pretty happy with my new lady friend. Thanks in advanced for reading this and providing any input.

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@Sandrawg - I would disagree with this to the highest levels. As everyone heals differently, I'm over the ex and the new girl provides me with a relationship that fits me and that fits her. Above all else we have a strong relationship. Also why would I care if she texts me you ask, because in the past she did exhibited bizarre behavior.


@Hollyj - Thanks for the uplifting comments that made my day


@cowboy - She is not as I have been put into that situation before and that's just disrespectful to both parties. I feel really good about my new lady and what we have, it's the kind of relationship where you actually feel like a team and that you are able to help out one another.


In any case I was just throwing it out there as I've known some of my friends to go through the same thing and the girl will not leave him alone. Thanks for all the positive comments I really appreciate them.

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