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What should I do in this situation?


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There is this guy that works at the gym I go to. His name is Stephen and I really liked him at one point. This one time we're talking and I accidentally tell him my sister is pregnant. She's 21 and friends with one of his best friends, Patrick. She was only 2 months pregnant at the time and not even my grandparents knew about it. He promised me he wouldn't say anything and wasn't going to tell anyone. I believed him because I was so infatuated with him.


Well about 3 weeks later my sisters boyfriend, Rob, approached me and said "I know Stephen knows." he told me that Stephen had told Patrick who told Rob. Rob also said that he's not mad at me and forgave me for telling Stephen even though at this point rob's parents don't know she's pregnant either.


I confront stephen and he says "I got drunk and accidentally told him" I forgave him because I accidentally told him and understood. He just reassured me that he would not tell anyone else.


About 2 days ago my sister, Lila, confronted me. She was so mad at me that I told Stephen within the first 2 months of her pregnancy. She told me that Stephen told Patrick the day I told him! Over the phone completely sober. So he lied to me. me and Lila worked it out. But now I don't know what to do with Stephen. Should I confront him again or just let it go and move on? If I should confront him, what should I say?

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