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Classic rear entry (doggie style)


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I agree, this is a fairly valid question and completely normal. The one that was actually about a dog on the other hand...


Anyway, it takes diff'rent strokes for different folks. Hope it works out for you, OP!


If you read that thread all the way through the OP was being figurative, she was trying to say her bf loved his dog too much and was too accommodating for it.

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Actually, if you are nervous about your size, you will probably like this position better. It can be a really good angle to get deeper. Even so, don't doubt your power to please with what you've got! The guy I dated who was the largest was also the most unsatisfying in bed, and on the other hand I've had some very positive experiences with guys who had less to work with. It's all about how you use it, and you figure out what works best by experimenting, so don't be afraid to try new things.

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Actually, if you are nervous about your size, you will probably like this position better. It can be a really good angle to get deeper. Even so, don't doubt your power to please with what you've got! The guy I dated who was the largest was also the most unsatisfying in bed, and on the other hand I've had some very positive experiences with guys who had less to work with. It's all about how you use it, and you figure out what works best by experimenting, so don't be afraid to try new things.


There is a lot of truth to this. Many who are well-endowed realize they can work a lot less, and get plain lazy. It's akin to a university setting, where the natural intellectuals can lean on that trait and do half as much work. The "work" aspect of both these scenarios is the better one to have, if you can only have one of them.

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