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well, heres how it goes....................ive lived next door to this girl whom i fancied for years..........so after years of just exchanging glances with her i was elated after i struck up a conversation with her and gave her my number (she called a half hour later!). the next few days we were pretty much joined at the hip and ended up hooking up(which was our lil secret since our rents have been friends for years and we figured we keep it from them since it would probably freak them out). we really clicked. not long after that she calls me one day and tells me she just wants to be friends and that shes gotten back with her ex boyfriend. she had told me when we first started hangin out that she had just got out of a relationship and couldnt stand him, so i was just surprised that she would do that after talkin all that crap about him. well about a week later i see her in the street and we chatted a lil.....that gave way to us hangin out again. well.......again we ended up flirting,hookin up,cuddling,holding hands........all that stuff. again not long after that she tells me she just wants to be friends.....not long after that guess who i see her with?? you guessed it, her "ex". well we stopped hangin out but never stopped chatting on the phone or online........so eventually we start hangin out again and yep you guessed it........we end up hooking up. well again she tells me a few days later she just wants to be friends because she just got out of a relationship and she needs time and she doesnt feel right with what was going on. well this continues......she came back to me and left me 3 more times after that. till one day im invited by her mother to a party at their house meanwhile i havent hung out with her in a week (but kept in touch via online). her mom tells me "maria will call you"..........so i go to that party and we end up talking and she tells me she finally broke things off with her ex. well i was reluctant to give in but after a week i gave in and we started seeing each other. those next two weeks went fine till the day of her birthday. after setting up a surprise party for her with her family and getting her a b-day gift she tells me that night she doesnt wanna be with me anymore and perhaps not even be friends anymore for the reasons mentioned earlier. i was hurt and felt like an idiot. that weekend she tells me shes talkin to her ex again. this time i just flipped out. i yelled at her and asked her how she could do that and told her that i was pretty much her "other guy". she told me she just wanted to be friends from the start but i always approached her and how she really had no plans to be in a relationship with me. well i thanked her for using me and hung up on her. well the next couple of days we talk but argued everytime we did so. till we talked one day and peaced things up and "forgave" each other. during that conversation she tells me she quit talkin to her ex and all this crap. well we peace things up and talk about the possibility of being just friends in the future. that was a month ago. we have not hung out since or talked at all. since then ive seen her so many times with her "ex" and when we see each other in the street we dont even acknowledge each other. now when i think about all times we would lay around in the dark listening to music and having deep conversations, the things she used to tell me, and all the other nice memories, it just really hurts. especially when i see her with her ex. i always wonder..........what happened?? whats with this girl?? will she come back?? was i the "other guy"?? was i wrong to freak out?? is she the nice girl i thought she was?? i have so many questions...............im just really hurt by this whole thing.........im really hating her now.......id really like to know what you people think about this whole thing.............what can i do here??


p.s. if you took the time to read this book of a sob story............i thank you

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Hmm... I've been in similiar situations, and I do know it hurts... There's one girl I feel the same way about, and she doesn't care, so I know it sucks... I would say the best thing for you to do is to just be friends with her again... Unless, you love her too much... Then, if you can, just never try to speak to her that much, because it will hurt to much thinking about her... That's really all the advice I have to give...

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Again- Scout's right- a little grammar goes a long way.


As for dealing with your situation, I say try to look past this for now. Find another thing to focus on (work/another girl/your free time) and things will die down. The time off will let things cool off and maybe something will happen. If not, then don't worry too much about it. She may still be your friend and you may find another, better person.


After I broke up with my g/f of 3 years, I had to take some time away from her before we could really be close friends again. Now we're close as ever (with some ambiguous things happening every so often), but we're great friends.

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