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Has anyone noticed that over the last couple of months the posts have died down about couples breaking up?


When I joined back at the beginning of the year there was loads of posts and so many people going through the same as I, Looks to me as though a lot of people have this need at the beginning of the year for change?!


I know every year my ex had feelings of doubt at the beginning of the year, but usually it was over a job, moving, money etc think this year it was the relationship that needed changing


Anyone agree?

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As I understand it, Mercury was in retrograde there for a good while, which seems to be the bringer of doom when it comes to relationships.


I think things are supposed to be picking back up though again. Not sure how much people believe in that sort of thing, but sometimes it can be eery how spot on astrology is!

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Im not a big follower of astrology but its a very interesting idea you have there RayKay! If only, it could be that people who visit now have loads of info at their fingertips - if they just take a quick peek in the breaking up section they are bound to find something that is similar to what they are going through.



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Raykay - you say things are supposed to pick up again? Do you know when? Any good websites, etc that will enlighten us more?


Also, when you say things will pick up again, do you mean a lot more breakups? That could be good - maybe my ex gf and her new bf will breakup!!!! LOL


To all - yes, I have definitely noticed a major decrease in posts about breaking up.


Maybe there is something to all this astrology, numbers, tarot, etc.

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