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a new sexual revolution?

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have you guys noticed that nowadays, younger and younger kids are engaged in more and more sexual activities?


just to think how many people do what they do at such a young age (willfully, i mean) it sort of shocks me in a way.


like having sex at 12-13 years old? or oral?


crap, your organs are not even mature at that age to reproduce.


i personnaly think its sick, perhaps its a new sexual revolution

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Tornado, I know man, it's a sick, sad world. I don't even think I found out that you "stick your thing in her body" until I was 11 or 12. Even then I had no idea about how we reproduced or that she could use her mouth on my penis or my mouth on her vagina. It never occurred to me at that age. Even in high school, I could not fathom having sex with a girl because of the consequences. I also went to a small, private Christian school so that would have been a deadly combination.

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Personally, I'm scared to death. I've had to talk to my children about sex ( not specifically) but explain to them that a mature man and woman get married and get close and have babies.. because I hope it sends the right message.. MATURE, MARRIED people have sex. I know it sounds a bit backward, but they are 10 and 12 and I think at this age they have to hear it that way.


When I was that age I had no idea how to have sex, didn't think about it much anyway and would have never known what oral meant.


I want to scare my kids a bit and hope they wait until they are adults to get so intimately involved.

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well first of all, i don't reserve sex for marriage. and i didn't. currently, im in collgee and i have a girlfriend and we both were virgins when we had sex at 19.


but nowadays, sex is taken for granted to the point that even pre-teens engage in sexual activities like its an everyday thing.


i mean, when i was at that age, i was barely kissing with my first gf. now i har of this new generation having sex in elementry school bathrooms and what not and i think its sickening.


first of all, i know its gonna sound pedophillic here, but bear with me here no one is developed, or shows barely, if any hint of secondary development until one reaches a teen. so i can not (and i certainly will not... awful, terrible) picture any two 11 yar olds having sex. i mean, just purely from a guy's point of view (and again, bear with me here), how could you even be aroused enough to engaged in such activity if the other party isn't even developed yet? that is sick, just the thought of it makes me think myself of a pedophile.


and from a purely biological point of view, the necessary things that enable a female to reproduce aren't even in place yet in most girls when they're 11 or 12. i mean, at the most basic level, people have sex, like any animal, to reproduce. girls don't even get regular periods by 11 or 12. some girls don't even get regular periods by the time they turn 16 or so. now having sex before taht? that is just wrong.


i mean, perhaps when one turns a teen, then it is right for one to start exploring one's body, i.e. by means of masturbation, but i most certainly wouldn't think about having sex until much later.


i think of myself as a liberal when i say that i can see people having sex at 16. but any younger, no way. 16 is bare minimum.


personnaly, i woulnd't have sex until 18 or so. i personnaly don't think anyone would be able to take the roles of a parent, given that the situation goes wrong, one turns 18 or so. can you even imagine a preteen pregnancy? is it even possible? what an awful thought.


like i said earlier, i didn't wait till marriage either. personaly, i think its alright as long as two people are both mature enough to take up to the responcibility and if their bodies have matured just the same. i know SOME of you out there will disagree me on my views about premarital sex.


BUT i BELIEVE that KIDS at 11-12 yars old should NOT be having sex of ANY form. and i hope MANY of you out there agree with me on THAT, at least.

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It's amazing and it's not rare anymore. I lost my virginity when I was 17 after dating the girl for 9 months.


I've come accross tons of girls who are 13-15 who have sex with different partners on a weekly basis (go to different parties each week and have sex). Even when I had a party at my house my friend slept with a 13 year old girl! Where were her parents? When I was 17 I couldn't go anywhere without my mom wanting to know who was there, phone numbers of parents, etc.


I even had sex with a girl who was 15! She, and all her friends, told me she was 17...then after the fact she tells me she's 15...................she even had sex with a cab driver when she didn't have money to pay him! Little soccer girl...


I had a 16 year old girl tell me, "Aren't you going to finger me?" then 5 minutes later, "You know, I'm not a virgin, you can use more than 1 finger"! I was shocked and disgusted.


I have a couple friends who are 16 who've slept with more than 15 girls! And at parties lasting all night there are usually more than a handful of kids who are between 13-16 who are drunk, having sex, and I just wonder where their parents are.

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Tell me about it. Kids are growing up sooo fast these days. I guess Pop Stars like Britany Spears and C. Aguilera are to blame. It's the age of 'idolizing' pop stars and trying to live out 'their' life. Sad actually. Who wants to emulate shallowness and materialistic attitudes? And to walk around practically naked to the whole world? I'm sure that they have lots of wonderful assets to flaunt, and take a lot of pride about supposedly celebrating 'womanhood'. So do lots of other ladies, but they don't need that kind of attention. I wonder how those kids feel like when walking around like that near their uncles and grandfathers. Talk about respect. Geez, I guess.


I had my first French kiss when I was 14, and stopped everything else, from 2nd base and anything beyond there. At least I knew my limits. Now, I see kids posting to ask advice on enotalone asking about "How to give my b/f's the right b.j.?? How do I hump him the right way?" Not exactly phrased the that way, but ya get what I mean. C'mon now. Please. Whatever happened to morals?! I could've hit the sack at that age, but chose not to. So why can't they? What kind of people are they emulating these days.


Of course not all young teens are doing this, but I also notice the 'increasing' trend. I used to work as a Rec. Leader at the elementary schools. Last time I went shopping, I see these kids who I used to take care of at work, little 6th graders, shopping for thongs. Literally, they saw me, and felt emberassed. But thongs? V-strings? They weren't even 7th graders. Only little 6th graders for goodness sakes. And to be shopping where I shop? For their age? Holy crap. That's not right. (It's not some kind of kinky lingerie store or anything. The fashion was more of people my age, not theirs.)


I think that it has a lot to do with what kids see on T.V., images of people that they idolize. No wonder this capitalist society feeds on sex, money, and fill in the blank ____, immoral behaviors. It's sad. I wish the controller's of mass media could push for more of T.V. shows that promote and teach about family, love, and respect. Instead of promoting lifestyles of these horny hudlums, who are sooo fixated on this 'image,' and are just out there for themselves. What kind of new generation of young folks are we breeding here?


Good Post. Great Points. -Mahlina

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Yes, I agree with you all saying that teens are having sex too early... But you have to remember this too, studies show that guys / girls are maturing a lot faster then lets say in the 70's... I'm talking about sexually and mentally... This may be why we see this jump in sexual activity among teens...

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The jump in the number of teens is from TV and other forms of entertainment, sex is all over television and thats where more kids spend their time these days.


I was always outside and active as a kid. I see more and more kids taking less and less sports and being active in even less outdoor activities. Every time someone turns on the tv when I'm at someones house we watch hot girls in tight clothes on mtv. A lot of the most popular shows focus on sex on a lot of channels.


Here they only have under 21 clubs if you're not 21+, inside there are 90% of the girls 13-16 wearing half of nothing and there are buckets placed all around full of condoms. A lot of my friends work there and take girls in the bathroom regularly if ya know what i mean...this city has the highest VD rate in the country in the summer. A lot of my friends have sex with more than 15 girls a month.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i lost my virginity at 22!!!! That to,to the guy who is my husband now...with all the deadly viruses and infections around, i wonder if kids are even aware of such risks when they indulge in sex!!! Then there is risk of gettin pregnanant...oh boy i sound like an old fashioned gramma, but sometimes its good to be old fashioned...

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I know! I'm 19, and when I was in 8th grade and was 14 years old I remember the 12 year olds in 6th grade were having sex and i was just like "I havnt even thought of that my GOD!" I was still thinking about kissing boys and going to the movies with the cute boy at school and holding hands and eating ice cream together. In fact the other day, my 6 yr old niece to my other 6 yr old niece "oh my god this dress is so sexy!". We were all shocked to hear that since how on earth did they know of that word!? But yes thats what music , media, etc does. And trust me, my brother and my sister are SO strict when it comes to what they watch on tv, or their access to the internet...its just something that this society is making something normal out of and its disgusting.

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I think sex before 18 is a bit young. =/ Under 15 is just ...


=/ Well, I think I'm pretty early too, way early than I expected myself to have sex... so in some ways I don't think I can say anything about early sex. I lost my viginity 2 months ago to my boyfriend, but we're getting engaged as soon as he comes back to me.

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Ya im with u rosalind i think sex before 18 is too young myself.Cause what if they have a kid?I mean they are not old enough to even support themselves let alone a kid so whats the point???????I mean i know the hormones come in but i try to respress that crap so bad because i hate that crap its so weak for men to give into that we have to learn to control it!o yah and as for ur post schat some girl had a friend that had a 1 year old kid when she was 12 and i was like !

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I also agree that under 18 is too young to be having sex. I had no clue what kind of guy I even wanted before 18. Not to mention the fact that once you're 18 you're no longer a minor in the sexual sense.


Now, you're certainly not 100% sure of life at 18, but I think you have a better head on your shoulders than you do when you're 16. People were also a lot more mature by that age when I was in high school.


However, I also don't think it's fair to criticize people who had sex before they were 18. You don't always know their circumstances, and many times they regret it anyway - why make them feel worse about it? I remember seeing an article in Seventeen Magazine - if you don't feel comfortable using birth control, you shouldn't be having sex. I think that's a good judge of when you are ready.


This is just my opinion though. I don't enjoy forcing my opinions onto others, so take it or leave it, but I respect your opinions as well.

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Wow, I dunno how much I agree or disagree.


I think we are all entitled to do what we wish. Even if we are young and immature doing so, I feel like they are learning something. Maybe in the end it will turn out good. I mean what if they realize, holy **** you know? I just think that its ok for them to do what they wish. I had my first kiss at 16 and had sex when I was 17.


I am also nihilistic. I don't think that we need to listen to others to really decide exactly what we wish to do. The people who tell them have already experienced it and are almost always right. Those kids that go out and do that kinda stuff are going to learn something. Most will learn when they turn 18 or 20 that they messed up. Honestly those people taht do it I would rather they do it and stay away from me. I know what I am getting myself into and I don't think I have to worry about them. Sure when I have children my story will change, but I will understand my children and not let them run wild. (well I hope I will know haha).


I just think its ok for them to do so, thats their choice. My ex lost hers to me at 16, and now she has become a reborn virgin... so some learn something through their experience... and decide later.. "wait that wasn't what I wanted." Trial and error.



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Well, just to throw some light on things. A friend recently regaled us with a story of how his GRAND-parents were forced to marry when the boy was 11 and girl was 10, because he got her pregnant. This was in the 1930s. So, there have some kids, that were "early developers" for a long time.

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Right but the society knew more about it. Its not an underground thing like it is today. Thats why its so dangerous... because nobody knows.


But I say if you can figure out what sex is, then you should become somewhat intelligent about it, understand exactly what it is ya know? So those that find it early kind of know the consequences, just aren't really udnerstanding what the consequences really are.



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i first had sex when i had just turned 16 with a 17year old guy, and i dont really regret it, i had been with him for about 4 months and we were careful and both decided we wanted to so we did. ok im still only 16 so im younger than the other people posting on here but i stilll agree that under 16 is wrong, im in 6th form and i hear the other day two new year 7s in my school had had sex, theyre what, 11 or 12, and theyre all really tiny!! they look like children that shouldnt be allowed to cross the road on their own. again im only 16 so i cant say much, but even to me its horrible!

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