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My niece and nephew totally made my christmas

scared and alone

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I went home for christmas and my sister and her family didn't know I was coming (intentionally) and when I got there, my niece ran outside and gave me a big hug then I went over to surprise my sister (who was dumbfounded) and a minute later, my nephew comes running in and sees me and yells my name and jumps on me. Oh I love those kids. Even though they only see me once a year, I am SO GLAD they still miss me and get excited whenever they see me. And when I had to leave, my nephew came and gave me a big hug and told me he was gonna miss me and wants to come see me and gave me a pic of himself. Then, the sweet boy he is, waited outside to wave bye to me. Man I wish I could adopt them. lol

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I was trying to put my nephew (15 months) to bed tonight. I was holding him and singing to him and while I was doing that he looked me dead in the eyes, serious face and went 'igty bep' (his baby talk) and I just burst out laughing. It was so random and he looked SO serious... which of course meant he did not go to sleep because everytime Auntie would look down at him he would break out into a wide grin, lol

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It's also so cute because I had my laptop and the internet was down so I decided to play solitaire and my niece sat with me and played with me. She is 6 so I kind of was showing her how to play it. At the same time, I was trying to help her with her counting. So I asked her to count how many stars or whatever were on the cards. And she did it! I was so thrilled lol. It was cute. I was like "how many are on that card?" and she just counted how many.

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