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getting caught...

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last night my parents got home from being away for like 2 weeks. we were in the kitchen and my dad saw the cuts on my arms. he made me show him my arm so i showed him the one that only had a few cuts on it...((not the one thats covered in cuts)) ...i told him that i fell and that it just kinda left those cuts on there but he started yelling that he was not that stupid and he didn't believe that i just fell. i tried to get away from him...he finally let me go to bed but then my sisters walked in and started saying that they know that i cut and that i should just tell them. so they are all waiting for me to admit to them that i do it....the only problem is that they got very very mad when they found out...i dont want to tell them b/c i already feel like im not enough for them and that i dont fit into my family...i dont want them to think less of me than they already do. what am i supposed to do? is there anyway i can get out of this? if you have any answers or words of advice please respond. thank you....

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I been there. All I can say is that you just have to tough it out. Your parents are probably going to suggest getting help for you and such. Just take it. In the end you will appreciate that you have. I would just suggest you tell them. Let them know that you don't feel like you fit in. Then they will know what to do for you.


Its just a matter of how much you want to try for yourself.



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Well,i know this probably isnt what you want to hear,but i think telling your parents would be the best.I know how you feel because i felt that way when my mom found out i cut.But,if you keep hiding it,then when they find out it will be worse.Just try to explain to them the whole situation.Why you cut and all.Good luck and if you need ANYTHINGfeel free to PM me.



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getting caught is horrible. it has to be one of my least favorite things in the world. i don't really know what to tell you, unless you cut on places that are constantly covered by clothing, your parents are going to see. (even if it takes a while) and hiding cuts is stressful too...


its your choice: do you want to quit, keep doing it and hiding it, admit it to them and deal with the consequences...


every choice is hard.



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Well...........you got caught.......not much you can do there........the best thing to do is to lie low for a while..............i mean.....getting caught is not a good thing......especially when it has 2 do with cutting...........but maybe its a good thing that youve been caught..........maybe this is the start of you stopping to cut..........but i donno........just keep ur chin up and try 2 stay as positive as you can..........as for you feeling like u dont belong in ur family...............well.............i feel the same way about mine......i mean i wake up everyday.........wondering why i was born into this family.........because it feels like i dont fit in and that im not good enough for them...........but ive learned that the only thing you can do is just hold on.............things have to get better......just think 5 more years til college........then its ur choice whether u want to see them again or not........Always remember that im here for you whenever i need you..........take care

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hey girl-

listen i just want you to know that i am always here for you and you will get through this no matter what.. i know that you cant talk today or get on the internet so you wont get this but i love you and i just want you to know that ok.. and no matter what i am here for you.. so you can call my cell anytime even 3 in the mornin! ok.. and i will be here for you through thick n thin cause you have always been there for me (especially lately) and i owe you a lot! love you girl

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thanks everybody for your replies...but umm i didnt have to tell my parents about it. my dad noticed that i kept showing him the other arm and made me show him the one with cuts all over it. he got very very angry and is really disappointed in me. he's been having hour long talks with me everyday and doesn't trust me at all anymore. he tells me that im not his daughter if i chose to do this and that im so stupid for doing this. it really puts me down when my family talks to me this way. also he thinks i did it all trying to commit suicide...but i didn't. i've tried suicide before but he thinks that every cut is for suicide. i guess im just gonna have to deal with this and see how it goes but thanks to all those ppl that have been supportive and helpful!

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look. i was in a sinmilar position myself once. i doubt your parents were angry. they were probably just worried about you. you should talk to them about it bcoz it really helps. wots worse than cutting and also trying to keep it a secret. it is nothing to be ashamed of. millions of people do it world wide.


let me know how you get on.

good luck

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Hey ... I know it's terrible and you must feel that by your family's reaction it just proves that they really don't understand you ... but try not to take your dad's anger personally. I know it's hard, but he probably is just confused. I'm not telling you that cutting yurself is right, but it's your choice and obviously by shouting at you and making you feel guilty, you just feel worse. I have the same problem - I always cut hardest when I feel guilty.

Just know this - there's nothing wrong with you. You might feel guilty, or like a disappointment, but you don't have to feel like that. Only you can possibly know why you cut or how you feel.

*sigh* I hate it when I hear that peoples families are angry with them for cutting. If you already feel bad enough to cut yourself, that last thing you need to feel is guilt.

Feel free to mail me sweetheart (groove_demon@link removed) ...

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