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your opinion about people who cheated on you


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my girlfriend dumped me about 2 weeks ago, giving me the usual stuff like "love you but not in love with you" and "we need space", your usual bs. i found out one week ago from her best friend that she was seeing another guy while we were dating, not consistantly but it happened more than twice (probably a lot more) with the same single guy, who she used to date about a year before we got together (we were together for six months until she dumped me) i was suspiscious of this guy all along but i trusted her when she said he was just a friend and she would never cheat on me. i have not talked to her at all since she dumped me, but i have crossed paths in the halls at school a few times, which are very awkward.


so i ask everyone: how do you go about confronting someone who's cheated on you? i know our relationship is over so many of you will say "she not your problem anymore, forget about it", but i just can't stand the idea of just going on like nothing happened. as far as i know, she isn't aware that i know she cheated. i fell for this girl and i gave her my trust and my loyalty (i passed up many oppurtunities to cheat on her) and she treated me like crap. my friends have told me that she hasn't even mentioned anything about me or the break-up, so it seems like she doesn't care at all about me or my feelings.


how can someone be so insensitive?

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How do you get over it.....turn your head and walk away. She doesnt deserve someone like you and you are much better off. I believe once a cheater always a cheater. The thought will always be in your head and you will never be able to trust her. If she did it once, she is surely capabale of doing it again. Just dont let it be with you.


They dont see it as being insensitive to you. They only see fulfilling thier needs, by having thier cake and eating it too. These types of people dont know what they want and are searching. Better off getting out of thier path and just pass you by.


You deserve better. You'll find better.

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What can you do to get over it?


You can do one of two things.


1) Beat the Sh*t out of the guy....he knew she had a boyfriend but went for her anyways......




2) Find a new girl who is way better looking than your Ex girl and flaunt her infront of your EX's face every chance you can get..That willl drive her crazy to see you with a much more beautiful woman than she is!



I'd advise Number 2!


Good Luck!

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