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howto make sex?


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OK this will make we sound like a perv but whatever...


I've been with a gf (who is as old as me) for roughly a month. We have seen each other almost every day and "cuddle" alot. However I have no idea how you pass through the making out stage (long sweet kisses with tongues in each others mouths - very nice), to the even nicer stuff below...


I do believe she is atleast almost as horny as I am since she always compliments my looks and tells me how I look like Ronan Keating. She has also nagged me to buy condoms twice.. hm I wonder why? But I don't wanna pressure her cause she's a virgin and I think she don't wanna pressure me cause I'm a virgin. We both agree that waiting until marriage before sex is a completely moronic idea so no problem there.


So I guess all is well. But if nothing happens soon I'm afraid she will start to think I'm not interested in her in that way (which I definitely am). And I will start to think she is not interested in me in that way. There is also the possibility that she is not interested in me in that way but then I really think she's sending very confusing signals. Or maybe she sees sex as a way to pay for a man's attention. Like the old couples when the husband buys a new vacuum cleaner for his lady and she repays with sex. But eh... please tell me I'm wrong?


Quite embarrassing but I'm just not a natural. Thanks in advance, I could really use some help.

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OK, first and foremost, go buy some condoms and keep them with you at all times, but not in your wallet, bad things happen to condoms in wallets, trust me on that one. Secondly, when the making out starts to get hot and heavy, don't get nervous, just let your hands do the walking, don't be aggressive, be sensual about it, if she wants you to stop, she'll let you know. Thirdly, don't be shy, let nature take its course, and always, above anything else, be a gentleman about it. She is nervous and you are nervous, but hell it's the birds and the bees, so buzz on over there and have a good time.



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wait let me get this straight...she nagged u TWICE to buy condoms and your still confused..now im confused..are u gay?


if you want to get anywhere u have to use your hands..if the first time or 2 you tried she brushed ur hand off...it's cause most girls dont want to seem easy..try again another day..if she really want you to stop ( i doubt it since ur supposedly 22 ) she will make it clear..if not then its green light..put that condom to good use


if in doubt remember...most girls are just as horny as guys..to get what you want u just gotta play your cards right

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Pretty much everything that guys posted above seems valid, but I'm going to give you it from a woman's point of view...(Muahahaha)

I think it's good that you're both virgins, that way there's no apprehension about not being good enough as a "past lover." Besides, this way you guys can learn TOGETHER the secrets to pleasure...(Hah, that rhymes...


Go nice and slow, next time you guys are kissing, allow your hands to wander and see what happens...Maybe you'll both feel more comfortable if you have a couple of those sessions before you jump into intercourse, or you may just get overwhelmed by passion and do it right then and there.


Don't forget to keep in consideration that chances are it's going to be painful for her, so make sure you go at a speed that she's comfortable with.

All in all, just let yourself go and enjoy yourself, how much can you possibly do wrong?

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Thanks for the advice folks! The remove the bra thing was the most complicated part then everything went almost automagic... To bad she had sore on her lips so we couldn't kiss. But fingering her was quite interesting.. although she was way to tight for intercourse. Hopefully that will solve itself but it was hard even getting one finger in the honeypot.


Thanks again.

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