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Boyfriend has photos of exes a


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My boyfriend has photos of his ex girlfriends which kinda disturbs me and they aren't tame photos if you know what I mean. Why would he keep them? He forgot to log off one day and I was snooping around and found a folder called chrissie and it was photos of his ex girlfriend and then I found another folder called Michelle's Blackberry photos and again it was photos of his ex girlfriend. He loves me but why does he have photos of his ex girlfriend?? Is this normal behavior?? I would bring it up but I can't since I was snooping.

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Some of them are tame like him and his ex at christmas smiling and then there are smutty ones of her in underwear. He has a problem with porn. I kinda brushed off the porn thing but when I saw photos of his ex girlfriend I admit I was a little annoyed after he has bad mouthed her numerous times why would be have photos of her?

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He has a past before he got with you. He needs to be sensitive about leaving the pictures where you can find them, but they are his past.


Getting rid of the pictures does not get rid of his memories. Maybe it is because I am older and have had some awful long relationships. I would not get rid of those items that I choose to keep and memories for anyone. Those women are not only part of my past, they are part of the reason I am who and how I am now.

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It's a weird subject for most people, and I find hypocrisy to be rampant. I've dated girls who have blatantly stated things such as "you better not have anything of your exgfs' or photos of them" only to find photos of them with their exbfs. One claimed that it was more about the memory than who it was with. I don't have a problem with it, and I just save all my photos to my pc anyway. I rarely if ever look through them, and I'm sorry to say I'm too lazy to go through them all and delete them. Thankfully the last one was extremely camera shy, so I probably only have one or two of us together. Not sure what to tell you though, to each their own. Just don't be a hypocrite if you have photos of your own exes.

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I know how it feels, OP, I had something similar happen with my BF (He loaned me his laptop when mine was broken, and the pics and videos were on his desktop. They were all extremely dirty). I would definitely bring it up, and ask him why he still has them. May I ask, how long have you two been together, and how hard was it to find the pictures? If you had to do a search or they were in a hidden folder, you may have some explaining to do yourself, but he should still respect you enough to at least delete the dirty ones.

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I know how it feels, OP, I had something similar happen with my BF (He loaned me his laptop when mine was broken, and the pics and videos were on his desktop. They were all extremely dirty). I would definitely bring it up, and ask him why he still has them. May I ask, how long have you two been together, and how hard was it to find the pictures? If you had to do a search or they were in a hidden folder, you may have some explaining to do yourself, but he should still respect you enough to at least delete the dirty ones.


But really he shouldn't have to delete anything. Those are HIS pictures. If he did not want to keep them, he would delete them himself. Current girlfriends just need to be a bit more secure, and not feel insecure. Those people are part of his past and if he's not ready to delete them, then he shouldn't have too.

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You should not have been snooping. Now that you have found out what you found out, you have to live with it. You had no business going through his stuff. If I were him and you asked me about it I would end the relationship. You are not going to keep him by snooping on him. If he is going to cheat on you, he's going to cheat on you. Nothing you can do will stop that.


I, too, have pictures of my exes. Not because I want to be with them, but because they were apart of my life.

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I guess it's kinda like a trophy of the past. I have pictures of my exes and rude ones too. I have the same with my current partner and will keep them if we decide to part. I also know that her ex has pictures of her as well.


I don't look back on them, but I don't plan to delete them either. However, the last thing I would do would be to leave them someone accessible for my current gf to find.

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He will also have memories of his exes that include bedroom activities. They are difficult to delete, but hopefully filed away in the archives section (sextion ?) of his brain. I'd be more worried if he was spending time looking at the photo collection rather than the fact he has them.


But yeah, personally, if I had any erotic photos of exes, I would delete them if the relationship ended. Too many good reasons not to have them around, no good reason to keep them.

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I think its okay to have a photo with an ex in it as part of your history, but having suggestive photos of an ex is over the line for me. But that's just me.


I agree with this. Casual, appropriate pictures are one thing but nudes or lingerie pictures, oh Hell no! Totally crossing the line. It has nothing to do with insecurity- indecent, dirty pictures of exes aren't "sentimental." Memories... of what him banging those chicks? Nah-ah.

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It's wrong. If his 'freedom' to have nudie ex pictures is more important to him than you are, then good riddance.


I agree!


I draw the line at clean photos. - I wouldn't be upset about that. I had a few named folders on my comp for years (though I recently deleted them which felt awesome).


I would never ever in a million years be so disrespectful to keep sensual photos of exes on my comp. I would delete anything like that long before entering a new relationship.

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