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How Soon After Break Up Did Hook Ups Occur?

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I have reason to believe (no hard proof though) my ex hooked up around 1 month after our 4.5 year relationship ended. C'est la vie! She was probably contemplating the break up for a few months before it actually ended so she had time to detach. On to the matter at hand...


I'm just throwing this topic out there to take inventory. I'm curious as to who hooks up (male, female, dumper, dumpee) and when after a ___ year relationship.


I'll start: Male, dumpee, been ~3 months after a 4.5 year relationship and have only had dirty d-floor and bar make outs. Just now starting to feel like I could get legit intimate with another.


Thank you,



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A month or so after being dumped.

I was not in the usual state of mind.

In fact, I'd say I was behaving like my ex.

Maybe being like her during that time was some twisted idea of easing the pain of knowing what she was doing.

The only difference was I did it to numb the pain, she did it because she wanted to.

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I went out with my bf a year and hes the only guy ive actually loved and he broke up with me 4 months ago. But when we broke up (hes the second guy id ever been with and im 21) i ended up sleeping/fooling around with 6 other guys. Yeah, im def no * * * * * and im so ashamed now but that was the first month of the breakup when i stayed drunk litterally the whole month and couldnt handle it at all, or being by myself for that matter. 3 months later we're still talking and its leaning towards getting back together.

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Well... on my end, my first "hook up" of any sort was about 2-3 months after the breakup. Way too soon. The first person I slept with afterwards was about 4 months after the breakup, and I got together with my current girlfriend about 7 months after the breakup (we are still together now, its been over a year and a half).


My ex on the other hand, well she had her hookup about -1 weeks after our breakup (she hooked up with the guy she left me for a week before she ended it with me)


oh yea, this was after a nearly 7 year relationship.

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Mandolyn - Is your ex aware of your work since the breakup? Do you think the 6 hookups were a reflection of getting dumped and wanting to feel wanted again?


Mustachio - Seems as though your ex had a case of the 7-year itch, sorry to hear about the -1 week. However, it seems you've recovered nicely with your current, congrats. Do you have any idea if your ex still with -1 week dude?

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God it's 2 and a half months since break up of 2 year relationship. Love of my life. I was the dumper but had some regret and change of mind after. Anyway I couldn't even consider kissing anyone else never mind anything else...it's way too soon...does that make me weird?? And he tells me he can't consider it either.

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Mustachio - Seems as though your ex had a case of the 7-year itch, sorry to hear about the -1 week. However, it seems you've recovered nicely with your current, congrats. Do you have any idea if your ex still with -1 week dude?


I do actually... they are married. And if the next question is do I care? The answer is no. I havent spoken to her in over a year and I have no plans to speak to her any time soon, if ever.

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I kissed 2-3 guys and tried to get intimate but just ended up crying, I was pushing myself but it wasn't working. Then got back together with my bf. Then split up agai. Overall it was about 9 months from my bf to a hookup.

I was the dumper, 2 year relationship but we were friends/flirting for 3 +years prior to getting exclusive.

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I went out with my bf a year and hes the only guy ive actually loved and he broke up with me 4 months ago. But when we broke up (hes the second guy id ever been with and im 21) i ended up sleeping/fooling around with 6 other guys. Yeah, im def no * * * * * and im so ashamed now but that was the first month of the breakup when i stayed drunk litterally the whole month and couldnt handle it at all, or being by myself for that matter. 3 months later we're still talking and its leaning towards getting back together.


I get you were in pain here and don't consider yourself a " * * * * * " but do you really think you handled it the best way you could? 6 guys in 4 months is * * * * * category numbers. Sorry.

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Sleeping with 6 people in 4 months doesn't make a woman a W, S, B, C, or anything else. Lay off.


Lay off what? She slept with 6 guys in the course of 4 months. I was pointing out that isn't the way to get over a relationship. It's pure avoidance. If I slept with 6 people in the course of a couple months after breaking up with someone I'd consider myself one as well.


It's my opinion...there's nothing to lay off of.

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