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Does she want to get back together?


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So two months ago my ex and I broke up. It was pretty tough for me and I'm not sure how she felt. She ended up blocking me on FB and I haven't talked to her in literally two months..until yesterday. I'm sitting in class and a text comes up from her. I got that feeling like something happened that had virtually a 0% chance of happening. We just talked about casual stuff like class and a little about sports. I'm trying to avoid opening any complicated cans of worms, but the curiosity is killing me. I'm really confused. I've wanted her to come back for a long time, but now that she kinda has I'm not sure what to do. I'm not even sure what she's after. She seemed pretty dead-set when she said she wasn't going to talk to me again. What does it all mean?

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What I can't understand at all is why would you ever want to be with someone who dumped you? That must make her feel like the king of the world to know she can dump you, forget you for 2 months, and then text you and have that turn your world upside down. Don't give her that power man - I'd ignore her and her text. She had her chance with you.

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well, she has some reason for contacting you..maybe she's missing you. Maybe she's just wanting to keep tabs on you to see if you're still hung up on her. We will never know. I would keep NIC for a bit, for sure. Let her initiate it and see where it goes. If she keeps contacting..post again and get more advice on what to do from there

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What I can't understand at all is why would you ever want to be with someone who dumped you? That must make her feel like the king of the world to know she can dump you, forget you for 2 months, and then text you and have that turn your world upside down. Don't give her that power man - I'd ignore her and her text. She had her chance with you.


Never mind this person. Maybe they forgot they were on a 'getting back together' board. Anyway...


I agree with Raton. You have no idea of her intentions right now and cause of this I would just let it play out. You're doing right in not bringing up anything serious, let her do that.

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If she doesn't text back for a long time, should I assume she's busy or that this was a one time thing? I feel like if I don't talk to her it makes it seem like I'm not interested in talking to her, but at the same time if I do it too much it makes me look desperate or something. I just don't want to mess this up.

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Then read about NC on here in different threads and realize that in order for her to miss you, you have to go away. Don't be at her beck and call ---she broke up with you. You can reply if you want, but if you don't reply ---- then she has to work harder at finding out what is going on with you.

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There are 100's of threads about NC on here --- and every one thinks their situation is different. It isn't. How do you know if it will work? You don't. NC will heal you and you won't spend everyday wondering what is going on in her life and staring at the phone. You need to go back out in the world and start living your life again. Right now, who cares what she wants. She broke up with you. Are you going to stand there and wait for her to tell you what she wants?

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probaby not...but you can take a risk and initiate very occaisionally...others will tell you not to. It all kind of depends on the content of her txts after a while...if its nonsense the whole time then I might not initiate. how long u been broken up and what were her reasons again? seeing anyone?

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We broke up literally 2 months ago. She was the one who broke up with me..still not exactly sure as to why. The texts I'd sent her Tuesday were mostly about school. I'd talked to her about some other stuff, but I didn't go near digging up the past or anything like that. The conversations we have feel kinda cold. I feel like if I ask the same kinds of questions it would send the wrong message or something. Not knowing why she's talking to me again is just driving me nuts

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There were a couple of factors involved (one of which I'm not comfortable saying), but no matter how many times I go over everything in my head I can't figure it out. The thing was, she was really dead-set in how she wasn't going to talk to me again, or at least she seemed like it. I just don't feel comfortable discussing certain details publicly.

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