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NC becoming a little difficult now. Losing all ties? How do I get by now??

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Well pretty much about a month and a week ago me and my ex girlfriend broke up..it was a mutual break up in a way although she initiated it. It has been a stressful year for me as I am batteling lung cancer and fell into depression..to wrap it up I pushed her away slightly by always being sad and depressed and she couldn't stick around as I wasn't letting her support me. In the past month I have gone to therapy, taken up new hobbies and tried to keep myself as busy as I can I've been NC the entire time but she has contacted my family about 3-4 times since and only up till the one month mark of being broken up she checked my blog about 7-9x a day to see what I was up too..now that she has stopped checking my blog I feel like i've lost all ties with her. I know she was seeing someone so maybe they're official now and that's why she doesn't check my blog anymore to see what I am too..in a way I feel like ive officially lost all ties with her and it sucks.....Im beginning to feel like the breakup just happened all over again...how do I get through this??


Also, she is going to have an important appointment for surgery next monday and I was wondering if its a bad idea to send her a text wishing her well that day..she never text messaged me throughout my last chemo session but messaged my sister to see how it went.

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Wishing someone well never hurt anyone as long as it's genuine.


Sure it can hurt them emotionally if the person doesn't want to be contacted and it can set the person back who sends the greeting if they have been dumped and they're trying to heal and move on with their life.

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Well we didn't end on a bad note..both wished eachother well and decided that right now we just need to fix ourselves because we're both going through a hard time. She did say she hopes we end up back together. But it might set me back also, especially if i get a cold reply..or no reply at all.

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The answers we seek in life are always within us or right in front of our eyes. She said she hopes you'll end up together. Now it's time to work on you buddy. Get you s*** together and become the best version of yourself you can be and you never know what may happen!

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