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About 2 years ago someone found a stray cat. He was soooo skinny you could feel his rib cage. He was already fixed and he was declawed, so he could not defend himself in the elements. This cat was found in the middle of winter. The woman was literally moving accross the country the next day....so we ended up taking in the cat.


This cat is sooooooo loved. My husband and I adore him. We post pictures of him on fAcebook and he has his own youtube station. People who have never met him ask about him and send him emails. Extended family buys him gifts.... I was thinking about love and what it means and I could not stop thinking about him. He started off with a really icky hand and because of the good deeds of our friend ended up being soooo loved. And despite being dealt a bad hand, he holds no grudges and is soooo sweet and loving and VERY funny.


Does anyone have any similar stories about discovering love through a beloved pet?

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Yes, very much so. My cats have always been as big a part of my family (bigger in some cases) as any relative including my parents. My granddad had taken in a wild farm cat years ago, it was remarkable the loyalty and love the cat showed him. They had a very strong bond until nearly 6 years my granddad passed, so, i took him in. He had already grown attached to me as i had a strong relationship with my granddad though the cat never took to any other family members. We grew a strong bond as well, he would always want to be around me, even if i was sitting awkwardly on the floor because i was looking at something i would feel this weight trying to get comfy on my lap lol. Eventually i left home for a few reasons, one being because i was going to uni and unfortunately the place i was in contract to rent at wouldnt allow pets so had to leave him with family, i saw him once after that and i was told he wasnt the same cat when i was gone but he came back to life when i came back, sadly it was only for a short break and this was the last time i saw him, its kind of mysterious what happened as in we dont know why but im told he just came back one night shortly after and couldnt breathe, likely to do with the heart. He was 17 and for a wild cat this is not a bad age, but, he was doing fine so it was a massive shock to me. I was heartbroken, he had to be put down and i was told after it had all happened, its upsets me that i wasnt there at the end.


I know this is meant to be a happy thread but the point is that yes i do love my pets, sometimes this is emphasized through how things end.

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Awww... I had this strong bond with my last cat, which I had to put him down because he was very sick. I knew he loved me so much, because he was always with me wherever I was at home. After he passed, and when I moved/snuggled him closer to me, he "burrowed" his head in my arms. I held him this way for about 10 minutes then it got too hard so I had to leave. I still cry thinking about him and it has been 5 months now.

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Awwww... that gave me some tears. Our little boy cat likes to burrow under me in the winter. The first winter, first time, I thought I rolled on top of him and I was so sad! Then I realized one night when I woke up feeling him "dig" under me. I wake up feeling so warm... I bet he is super warm

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