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I am new on here. I have a massive dilemma. I've been with my fiance for nearly 2 1/2 years. We have an 18 month old child together. To cut a long story short, he has never been very affectionate although he was when we first met but that quickly changed to him not being affectionate. Our sex life before and when I was pregnant was normal, regular. For the past year or so he stopped wanting sex as much. Now he hasn't touched me for nearing 8 months. I have tried everything from being romantic to just seeing how things go and nothing seems to be working. I am pretty sure he's not cheating. He says he doesn't look at porn. He say's he doesn't know what the problem is, but it's with me. He say's he thinks about sex still but just not with me. He say's there is no other person involved. He very rarely pays me attention or compliments me anymore. If I ask him if he's gone off me he says no I'm his perfect girl and beautiful. He says he feels kind of blocked against me. I cuddle him and pay him lots of compliments, I do alot for him and look after him as a good fiance. I love him with all my heart but this is breaking me. The uncertainity of how long it will go on for is too much for me to deal with sometimes. We have argued alot and he says he feels different about me but he still loves me alot. Pfffff I feel so confused. I have been very sick with Postnatal Anxiety after the birth of my baby and I am just coming out the otherside after 18 months. The last thing I need is more stress. I feel so powerless to leave as I love him sooo much. I feel so lonely. Has anyone got any advice as to why he's behaving like this? I hardley gained any weight with my pregnancy and I was quickly back to my pre-baby figure in a week or so, no stretchmarks either, so I know it's not how I look thats the problem. Any advice is welcome especially off men as you may be able to offer me a deeper insight as to why this has happened. Thankyou.

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