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afraid its turning into a purely physical relationship

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hi if youv read my other posts you can tell that i was emotinaly unstable for a bit but i feel over it im not sure i seem to get soem tiems of the year where i just spaz out and well its gone now but well i dont have a girlfriend anymore but i saw this girl again today and for the second time while we have not been dating in two days we ended up talking a little bit but spending the majority of our time making out and feeling eachother i know there are emotins real ones... at least for me there is i really do like this girl but out of the near two hours i spent with her today we spent 1:30 of them kissing i kept feeling nervouse and i codnlt imagine why but then she said she was afraid it was turning into an only physical relationship...it was then i realized thats why i was nervouse and thats why i was holding back. i tried to shake it but i coudlnt im afraid its turning into a relationship like iv always said i never wanted just a purely physical one. iv never wanted a relationship like this and well i left my watch there so i went back really wuick and we went to her room to find it and i didnt want to kiss her i think she thought i did though... i just felt intense emotions but not just sexual ones. i dont know we both have real feelings for one another but when were with eachother it turns into just physical could anyone either give me advice about this or jsut gimme links to posts about this

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this girl, you didnt exactly mention how long you know her and details like that. if its a short period of time, then it probably is just lust that you're mistaking for REALLLL FEELINGS. not that you dont like her, and care for her to an extent, but it will probably ware off, you dont reallly know her. the reason its mostly physical is because thats whats driving you two towards one another. i think before intimacy like that takes place there should be an emotional bond first. if you guys enjoy making out and whatever then thats fine, but dont be surprised if a month or two from now you're just not as elated as before. it could turn into something real however, but you both need to make a conscious effort to not just be making out. and truly the way to do that is to be in public situatiosn where you wont be tempted, and will have to just talk and get to know eachother. go on dates, chill with a group of friends, spend time together in school or something. see if theres a real connection, and if there is then making out will be ooo sooo much more worthwild.

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o well we kind of dated for a month and well i skrewed up twice and broke things off but our feelings are just too strong... she said that i almost sent her over the edge today with marely having my leg touch her there and well its not just physical i was just kind of flipping out we talk alot on the phone i confuse her alot though because of how i skrewed up shes not willing to take me back at least not yet... which kind of hurts but well i dont think we sohuld be in a relationship until she can fully trust me. its physical when we see eachother it hink because were really aroused not just by the others persons loks or anything but just by the other person comlpletely. everything about them. she wanted to go further today she says but shes elf consciouse about her body.. which i understand completely im self consciouse aobut mine very much so actually but she makes me forget about that. i was just ocnfused we talk some in person but we talk mostly when were not in close proximity i dont think it would help being in like a public situation we were doing this one time in a park and well about 6 people walked basically right next to us and we never stopped. i feel kind of guilty for making her so confused. thank you for the advice though i apreciate it very much

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those extra points help, but im going to have to stay with my original advice. the fact that even in public this happened makes me believe even more that the connection is very much physical. just try and see if being with friends or around family. have her over when family is there or something...i dont know...i stay with my original advice lol.

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well the past two times iv seen her now for at least half the time we are just holding eachother and either watching a movie or talking or just resting. its really nice actually. im leaving for vacation tomrow hope she wants to see me and well now she says she loves me like a friend and really like me and likes it when i hold her... but the other night she said she thought she loved me like i know i love her. its all confusing but i jus thave to remember to hold myself back a bit cause this girl can get caught up in the moment a bit

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Quazit - I can barely read your posts, and I'm sure it's difficult for others to read, as well. Please use punctuation in your posts like commas, periods, etc. And also, don't forget to use paragraphs where appropriate. It really makes your posts easier to read if you can apply the basic grammar "rules". Thanks.

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