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6 days NC and I starting to miss her

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Well, after finding out that my ex had rushed into a marriage proposal from the creep of an ex best mate while i was on holiday, it prompted me to aske her for no contact - i have been fighting this for 2 months as we still have a good relationship despite what she and he have done to me. She has respected my request for 6 days and I have had no temptation to text. Today however I have thought about her a lot, realise that I still love her although would not take her back but I am missing her like mad - at what point should I send a nice friendly text? Or should I not? Opinions please

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NC is the best thing this soon in the breakup.

If you have some friends give them a call and go do something.

I found that the more i kept my self busy the easier it was.

I cant tell you at what point to send a text thats up to you.

I know i did not do any kind of communication at all for over six month.

I wish you the best of luck luigi, it so hard to fight the feeling of the heart.

Be strong and hang in there.

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Ya man since you know that you can't / won't take her back just think of what a text will accomplish. You will either get no response or it will lead to some BS conversation or possibly turn into an argument. Either way you lose and will be set back. I did NC after we exchanged our things and have not heard from her in 10 weeks. In the beginning it hurt to not hear her voice but now looking back it's the only way to go. I couldn't imagine hearing from her and finding out what she's up too. Keep to NC an soon after week 2 or 3 for me it got easier and now I am thankful I don't bear from her. Also it's a great way to get your pride back. It shows her that you don't need her in your life and that you're man enough to move on. While it might not bring her back to you, she will respect you for it.

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